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A lil too paranoid?

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I'm not as educated on mental health as most of you are so I had no clue where to put this, Move it to the correct spot if you feel like it should be moved.

Ok I live in this tiny ass hick town, You can go off and leave your cars and house unlocked without worrying about anything up until here recently. Not far from where I live a couple of houses got broken into and I have been paranoid about ours getting broken into ever since I found out about this potentional dead man walking going around and breaking into peoples houses. Last when I went to bed I had a loaded gun next to my bed and a baseball bat under my bed(thats always there regardless) and I could not sleep even though I knew that if anything did come in I have the resouces to do some damage to this R*****d dumbfuck. Is this completly normal? Or am I going overboard with it?

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Dyn....not OVER paranoid at all. You have lived there along time with no crazy people breaking in. TOTALLY understandable..I would be the same way. Just be-careful with that loaded gun eh? :o

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I don't think it's overly paranoid and I've had similar reactions to various things.

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I don't think you are being overly paranoid. I have had some trouble with robberies in my neighborhood lately, and we pretty much know who is doing it (a new neighbor). I'm live alone, and I get really paranoid when I get home late at night. Thankfully, I have a few dogs, but I'd be just as freaked out.

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Not paranoid at all dyn, prepared and cautious if anything. Nothing wrong with that, just be careful with that gun!

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