
my heads spinning!

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So iv had a lil set back this week, gpr sent home from work ipp due to panic (I think) on weds. I have woken up early this morning and I am seriously dizzy which is scaring me I'm trying to tell myself its anxiety but the lil demon on my shoulder is saying its not :'( if I'm walking or moving its worse I feels like I'm drunk but not is it anxiety...

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Hi Holz. Yes, I am afraid it is. The little tubes in the ear play up when we are nervous. The muscles tighten and upset the balance mechanism. Don't listen to the little demon. He is a liar and is out to frighten you. It is sometimes a good idea to have nurse or someone to look in your ears as it can be a wax  build up that causes it. These are NOT the symptoms of what you imagine it to be so try not to worry. It will pass.    Jon.

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I have had to take the day off as I cant drive, the Dr is calling me shortly I'm so scared its awful I cant focus on anything when I'm standing in lying down ots not to bad xx

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As Jon says, it's never as bad as you imagine. I have had this too. Not severe but enough that I question whether I should drive. Before I had anxiety I did have dizzyness caused by my ears playing up. Doc gave me some tablets that cleared it up no worries. My brother has also had this. While it feels terrible it's nothing major. I hope this helps to calm you a bit.

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The ear is an elaborate mechanism that not only gives us the ability to hear but also controls our balance via the inner ear. As I said before, it can easily be affected by nerves, There are a number of passages in the ear and, as I understand it, they contain a fluid that helps balance. When you lie down the fluid probably takes a different direction so you feel less dizzy. I am not a medic but that is how I understand it. Your doctor will probably prescribe something for nerves rather than for the ear, which will right itself given time. If it was anything like you imagine you would not be posting here I can assure you!!     Jon.

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Sounds like vertigo? Horrible and scary for us but often caused my something simple and not scary, virus, inner ear issue and yes anxiety! What did the doc say holz?

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Labrynthistis :/ or however its spelt.. I feel real awful I have buccal meds but too afraid x thank u u guys for been here for me

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There you see, Holz. Labyrinthitis. An infection of the inner ear which would, naturally, affect your balance. As I said before, the inner ear is a very finely balanced mechanism and anything can upset it. Now stop worrying. They may have given you  medication so take it and try and take your mind off it.  That kind of infection is easily cleared up.   Jon.

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Thank u Jon, u make alot of sense. I'm feeling better than I was this morning but still like I have been hit by a train . Haha

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The whole ordeal would certainly make you tired and worn out. The meds will clear it up. Give yourself a break, rest and recover.

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Holz I feel your pain I have suffered from labyrinthitis before and for someone with anxiety it can be very scary!!! Hope you are feeling better now

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