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About Sarahc668

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  1. Holz I feel your pain I have suffered from labyrinthitis before and for someone with anxiety it can be very scary!!! Hope you are feeling better now
  2. Again thanks for your responses. It's good to know in the best possible way that others are in the same position. I have recently started taking citalopram, the side effects of which are not good but have been on them before and if I remember correctly last for a couple of weeks before settling into your body and my anxiety is worse than ever just now I have convinced myself that I'm gonna have a heart attack or something as I now have pain mid left back area which has persisted for a good few days's so hard as I had managed to control all this years ago butu cbt appears to be not working, I tell myself I'm gonna be ok but the pain still stays.....which I assume is normal for anxiety! Argh!!!! Are you all on medication for anxiety or a combination of that and cbt? Thanks x
  3. Thanks for your responses
  4. Hi there I am new to this and hopeful that I can get some support from ppl who understand what I feel like on a daily basis and also offer support to others
  5. Sarahc668


    I'm new to this but feel I need to speak to ppl who understand as most ppl don't....I have been a sufferer of health anxiety since I was 18 now 32 but has been on and off....recently it has come back with a vengeance as I've been experiencing a weakness in left arm that has continued for days and weeks but the arm isn't actually weak???? It's driving me this anxiety related????? Sometimes I then get a pain on the left side of my back and it freaks me out coz I think something awful is going to happen to me!! Please help!! Thanks