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This is all pretty new too me. About four months ago I had some med problems which forced me to change my lifestyle. Definitely for the better! But I've learned something about myself, I have an anxiety disorder! Not really happy about it and it's life one day after the next. Just when I think it is only temporary and I have this beat it gets worse. I've been doing my research and taking some meds and it's definitely one day at a time. It feels good to know that I have this ability to join a site like this for some ideas, hints, tips etc... So hello all!! I'm not crazy I swear!!

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Hi Larry, isn't it interesting to realize that ?  I was diagnosed very young, as a teen and then it went dormant for many years . I didnt' ever 'class' myself as having a disorder. But its' clear that I do and now that I look back at my life I can see areas where it was clearly driving me but I had no idea. 

Glad you are here and welcome :) 

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Hey larry welcome to AC :)


One day at a time is the way to go! I had no idea I had an anxiety disorder either, looking back it's probably been there my whole life, just to varying degrees. Only when it got extreme and I went to the doctor did it start to make sense.

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Welcome Badlarry :)  Of course you are not crazy! I think it's good that you joined this site. Would be nice to get better acquainted :)

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Thank you for saying that. I don't talk to a lot of people during the day. It's nice to see people can be genuinely nice.

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Hey Badlarry  :)


Same here! I don't talk to anyone during the day either. Maybe a text from friend or a phone call to mother. It can get pretty lonely sometimes but we have to keep our heads up. I have had an anxiety and panic disorder going on 14 years. Know fun at all.  You are right about nice genuine people! :)

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Hey Bones nice to hear from ya! I'm so new to this but it has really opened my eyes. I'm 41 and up to a little while back I never thought or cared who was nice and who wasn't. Gone are the days of haphazardly bulling my way through life, just getting it done and having a few beers and starting it all over again tomorrow. Only as of late has the appreciation of people that give a shit really hit home. A day at a day I'm trying to hold it together but simultaniously paying it forward to the peeps that wanna see me b well

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What a great attitude, Larry. 

Yes, agree, the older we get the more we can see who was a ' surface' friend vs. a true one :) 

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Very trueLarry! I am a 52 year old female. When we are well and life is going good people like to be around us. But when we are struggling with these issues friends are few and far between. People that really care will still be there for us. I know I can be a real downer sometimes or maybe a lot of the times. Free and happy go lucky isn't in my vocabulary any longer but I haven't given up hope. I still struggle to get there and hope other people do to.  :)

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Hey bones I know what u mean by happy go lucky fading out. It kinda sucks that your brain has to take you over and make you dwell on the negative. I wanna be happy go lucky forever! It's tough to stay the course but I always was more about a good time than the right time

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A crazy person wouldn't wonder if they crazy :-)

Welcome :-)

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