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Anxiety and heart palpitations?

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I occasionally get what I think is a heart palpitation. Just a "weird" flutter in my chest. It can be in different places - sometimes upper chest where I think my heart is, sometimes under my sternum. It almost feels like a gas bubble is passing through my chest or something like that. It's always brief - like one flutter. I've noticed they come when I'm feeling stressed and especially when they're on my mind. If I have one, chances are high I'm going to have another one very soon or throughout the next couple of days.

Here's an example. We're going away for the weekend. I've been rushing around trying to get the kids packed, trying to get the house in order. I have a million things on my mind (including the standard health worries). I run to the store to get a swimsuit and feel a "palpitation" in the car. I then feel more and more of them as I'm in the store. I start to feel panicked, scared. Am I going to pass out? Is something wrong with me? Is it my heart? They essentially stop when I exit the store. I work on my breathing and I try and focus and it gets better. 

Anyone else felt this?

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Perfectly normal.  They are called ectopic beats and are prevalent with us anxiety sufferers,  Sometimes they are sporadic, sometimes they come in clusters, sometimes they stay for a few days/weeks.  I literally had an ectopic every 4 beats, every time.  Super odd but that was 10 years ago and i'm still here.  Stress is the main cause of this so please try not to worry, it's benign, harmless and will sort itself out.  It is NOT a sign of heart troubles.  

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And they can arrive at any time!    I get hit in the morning.   Technically, it's a panic attack that wakes us up from sleep mode.  My heart races then.  

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They can be either PVCs or PACs. I have been to the ER with them and the ER physician asked me if I was under a lot of stress. I had follow-up tests. I had an echo cardiogram and a cardiac CT scan which were both negative. 

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@MARC Ihear that stuff all the time.  People have a panic attack, think they are having a heart attack, go to the ER, get checked out withh all the tests, and everything is negative.

No stroke, no heart attack, but the panic still comes through.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone. It helps. I've been struggling with them off and on since that Thursday. I've noticed that when my mind is engaged that I don't notice anything. For instance, we went out of town on Saturday for a concert: 4 hour drive, swam with the kids at the hotel, went to a great show (Willie Nelson!) and felt great all night long. I lulled myself into the thought of hey, you're past this. Sunday started out great, maybe an odd feeling here and there, but nothing that threw me off. This morning was a different matter, however. It was back to work, and rushing around the house trying to get the kids ready and yeah, I felt a "flutter" or something on my way to work. I felt it a few times. It freaked me out. I'm working on calming myself when it happens. One thing that does happen, however, is that they make me feel unhealthy. I get scared to push myself. The idea of going for a run is terrifying: I'm going to push my "damaged" heart past the breaking point. 

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So, I went to the doctor, yesterday. I had made an appointment after my high blood pressure scare in mid-May. My blood pressure was high again, but he thinks it's likely anxiety related. My BP has been pitch perfect every visit with him up until yesterday. He wants me to come back in a few weeks.

I explained my weird chest sensations and he didn't appear to be worried. He felt it was again, anxiety related. He said he could give me an EKG, but he didn't feel like I needed one. He said it would just be for my peace of mind. I decided against it.

We went over a few things I could do (some I'm already doing) to keep myself calm. He wants me to get back on Lexipro. My psychiatrist had me on it, but then I went off it because I'm not a fan of SSRI's. I'm considering it again.

Anyway, I feel somewhat better. Not better, better, but a little calmer. 

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I have had PVC's for many years off and on. The cardiologist I saw told me that when they happen very frequently, say, 20,000 per day or you have underlying heart disease, then they may be of concern, or someone may need to be monitored more closely or undergo more testing. 

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I was put on an EKG during my eye hemorrhage - elevated BP due to decongestants!  I should have taken antihistamines because the allergies and a faulty electric air filter were to blame.

They didn't find anything wrong with an EKG.  

My father had a heart attack, but he smoked and didn't exercise - I am the exact opposite.  My stepmother recently had a pacemaker put in and her brother has Afib.  SHe is pushing me to get checked out regardless.  She doesn't want me going early (my dad was two months short of 61).  

@SurferJoe Anxeity elevates blood pressure -> FIGHT OR FLIGHT!  If you're hypervigilant, you are in TURBO mode. 

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