
Bladder/ prostatitis

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Ok ever since feb when I had a fistula and abscess bust, I've had pain between anus and penis thought it was from constantly squeezing that muscle. Well here the past few weeks I've been having the feeling of needing to pee more and when I do I just dribble unfortunately. Went to 2 diff docs both said prostitus prostate infection they checked my urine though clear of infection but had mirco blood in it neither seemed to concerned about it. Been in antibiotics now makes 7 days still no improvement one doc did a prostate exam and said it was a little inflamed and tender of course, but Ive been googling and everything thing comes back to bladder cancer or prostate cancer and of course I've got all the symptoms my main concern is the pressure constantly on my bladder. Anyone had anything like this 


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I can't say that I have had this particular issue.  I have been on anti-anxiety medications that can cause urine flow restriction.  

You've been Googling, so I think that might be where things have been going awry.  You had two doctors tell you that it is just inflamed and the antibiotics should be working.  

If they had seen cancer, they would have told you - they did check and weren't concerned.  If the antibiotics aren't having an effect, I'd talk to that doctor just to be safe.

It doesn't sound like there is a cancer issue unless they specifically say something to you about it directly.

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Back in the summer of 2019, I started having pretty bad pain in my rectum when I went to the bathroom and it was harder to urinate too. The pain was so bad that I had to pace around afterwards and there was blood too. This persisted for a few weeks and eventually I had a scope which showed I had hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Eventually the pain, the blood and the difficulty urinating subsided. I now use AD ointment which helps quite a bit. 

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I have a condition called Levator Ani syndrome in which the levator muscle, the one which holds your rectum and supports the whole area goes into spasm.  The pain can be unbearable, much like a locked jaw when you over yawn.  This disfunction can also cause multiple symptoms including slow pee steam, urge to pee, pain after deification, pain in the coccyx bone and general tightness.  In my experience most sensations when it comes to the urge to pee are muscle related. 

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