
Sleep apnea breathing on Cpap

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I got diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea (ahi 19.6) in November 2020, it's all been fantastic as far as my mental health, years of countless SSRI drugs, etc never helped but fixing my oxygen deprived brain helped my mental health so much. Anyways I have a problem with my CPAP machine, I fall asleep and then I end up waking up feeling like I have to forcefully regulate my breathing, like I'm scared to just breathe regularly. My pressure is 6-12 and this is the only time I am up and feel a little anxious, just as I'm falling asleep, often wake up within 10 minutes and get all freaked out on if I'm breathing or not even though I know the machine does it for me. Anyone else? 

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My mother has congestive heart failure and had to go the ER yesterday when her blood oxygen level lying down fell to 85%.  

It turned out that her water pill dosage had to be cut in half.  She had very much the same issue.  She lives in assisted living and they noticed she wasn't quite right, even though her weight had not changed at all!  They usually say if there is a a dramatic short term weight gain, then that is one issue.

They did all the tests - nothing.  No stroke, heart attack or blood clots, or broken bones!

I was told blood oxygen levels in general fall when you go to sleep.

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After 4 years on a CPAP, I can get a bit freaked out in the first few minutes.  Like it's forcing air into my lungs


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