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Does numerology predict health

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I was anxious looked into the numerology again I saw all this stuff that number of when your were born together that they could predict health probs here 

This is a very psychic and nervous number that is often made ill by the environment and even people. The 7 suffers from a lot of mental and psychological tension. They need to live somewhere very clean. They are prone to many ailments including bronchitis, colds, nasal congestion, bad eye sight, tonsillitis, lung problems and skin afflictions. They should avoid intoxicants and fumes from cleaners. Sleep and fresh air keeps this number stress free and healthy

i worry cause I have very bad allergies that means this is true also it says headaches anxiety and other family members who have diabetes there numbers said that too 

also this 


The luck that these people are experiencing right now can change without any warning. One moment they are feeling healthy; other times, they are suffering from health conditions.

Some of the universal health illnesses that they may encounter include incurable diseases and stomach problems. They should also take better care of their lungs and eyes. It is also possible for them to suffer from head trauma. I have stomachaches all the time worry this saying gonna get a disease hope not

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A lot of that stuff is bunk and I would not pay any attention to it. The same goes with palm reading, etc. 

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Ye Gods!!!! As if we have not got enough on our plates without all that nonsense. Superstition is always a desire for security, for the need to feel safe in some belief. In many respects that also applies to religion.  To believe that something out there can control our lives in a strange way is to give up our right as individuals. Only WE can make decisions about ourselves based on fact not superstition. The belief in astrology, Taro, numerology etc can only detract from our immediate problem, Anxiety! There are no intangible forces out there making us feel bad, it's all within us. Real tangible events can cause anxiety, but we have to decide what to do about them in the realm of reality not superstition.  Belief in such things can only muddy the already muddied waters.  

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I wouldn't rely on numbers for health advice.  Doctors are better!

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