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What time did you fall asleep last night?

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Same for me last night. Going to be a lot earlier tonight, I'm shattered after spending the day with my nephews - it's the constant noise! 

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Around 11pm. I take 3, 3mg tablets of sublingual Melatonin every night before bed and it helps knock me out good. 

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You've just reminded me that when I tried melatonin ages ago it seemed to help. I must get some more, my insomnia is crazy at the moment. 

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6:15am - Friday morning

5:00am - Saturday morning

4:45am - Sunday morning

It's 3:30am and I am still up - I ought to keep tabs on my times lol.

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4:00am, up at 9:15am

I plan on taking a nap at 4:00pm lol.

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5 hours ago, Ironman said:

4:00am, up at 9:15am

I plan on taking a nap at 4:00pm lol.


That sucked when I was dealing with that a few years back.

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On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2021 at 2:59 PM, Otherside said:


That sucked when I was dealing with that a few years back.

Nah - work.  I get into a zone.

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23 minutes ago, Ironman said:

Nah - work.  I get into a zone.

That's some zone. 

I know what you mean though. 

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1am at the moment. Some idiot has decided that this is the perfect time for Fireworks here. 😅 Guy Fawkes Day today. Big day for Fireworks. Not usually at 1am though. 

In light of that, sleep wont be happening for a while. 

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I try to get six hours of sleep.  If I don't I fight for a nap lol.

This morning, 4am and up at 9:45am.

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2am. Idiot stopped firing off fireworks after about twenty minutes of it.

Seven hours is the optimum sleep time for me

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10 hours ago, Otherside said:

2am. Idiot stopped firing off fireworks after about twenty minutes of it.

Seven hours is the optimum sleep time for me

I hope that is not a frequent occurrence.

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When I am in my office working , I try to take a short nap everyday 🤣

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I fell asleep at 6am this morning.....wanted to wake up at 11:30am....the next thing I know, it's 1pm.

I still got shrubs and trees trimmed.....and a haircut.....and shopping for my mom.....and grocery shopping all done today!

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