
Visual disturbance

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Hello everyone! I haven’t been on here for a while! Missed you all. Been struggling today. I have been on an RV trip with my husband and 3 young kids, going on day 7. I’ve hit a wall. I am so anxious being 17 hours away from home and it’s spiked my anxiety. Not to mention alcohol and dehydration playing a part in the summer heat. Anyway, I was sitting in the passenger seat of the RV, when all of a sudden my vision got really bright, and I almost got like an aura tunnel vision, with sparking lights. Only lasted about 10 seconds, and happened about 6 hours ago, but my body is still in panic mode wondering what the heck I just experienced. We are currently heading back towards home but won’t be there for at least another day. Does this require an ER investigation? I’m panicking pretty bad and I feel so bad for my kids cause I’m taking it out on them. Please help!

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Hi. There. Vision problems are one of the main symptoms of anxiety. I get what is called 'silent migraine'. It's all the visual affects without the pain, thank God. When it began many years ago it frightened me because I thought all the usual things!! I was reassured by the doctor, and I still get these symptoms now and then especially if stressed. The sight is a very delicate thing, and any disturbance can upset it.  Stress is notorious for doing that. Not everyone gets it in anxiety, we all have our own specific symptoms. To put your mind at rest see your GP. But I know what you will be told. But panicking and getting stressed out will not help one bit. Mr. Anxiety has a box full of wonderful tricks and he uses them all. We are bluffed and mesmerised by his antics. Don't let him fool you. You were, no doubt, tensed up from being away from home. When we leave our comfort zone this can happen.  Take it easy. Get some reassurance and accept that these symptoms are so common.

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Thank you so much @jonathan123!!! I feel like even these last couple days I have been so much more sensitive to everything I am seeing. Like I am questioning my sight. I’m so scared it will happen again. But praying this is all what you think. All anxiety related. I’ve had anxiety and panic for over 30 years of my life, and nothing like this has ever happened, so that’s why I am so disturbed by it. But thank you again for giving me some peace of mind.

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A number of years ago I suddenly had some flashing lights at the corner of both eyes. It happened a number of times and the first thing I thought of was a possible detached retina. I went to my Opthamologist, who dilated my pupils and no problem was found. He told me that sometimes if you rub your eyes too hard or too often then this could have caused the flashing. 

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Thank you @MARC!! I’m wondering if it was a pre cursor to the ocular migraine I am currently experiencing. Ugh.

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Hi. Ekr4eva. Being constantly scared is a sure way to prolong the anxiety. It just stokes up the fire!  Now please understand that I am not for one moment minimising your suffering, Been there and I do know. To stop worrying is not easy, not one bit. But it can be done if you ACCEPT for the moment what is happening. Unfortunately when we have visual problems it's more difficult because we have to see, and any disturbance in our sight is so plainly obvious. But even that can be accepted. As MARC quite rightly says, if you rub or interfere in any way with your vision it can cause all sorts of problems. Leave your eyes alone!!  To put your mind at rest, and it will, see your GP. Don't be afraid to go. Anxiety is something they deal with every day, especially in these days.  

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