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That will be my age in less than a month. I've never liked getting older but I've aged so much in just one year. My 30th feels so recent still. I hate that my life is flying by and I am still trying to get settled. I don't even have the career I want yet. It's also bad cause nobody ever takes me seriously. This has been a source of stress and depression for awhile and it is constantly dismissed. Is the good part of my life over? Do I have anything left to look forward to? What does it even mean to have a good life? How can you enjoy now when you're always being told to look ahead. I can't look at calendars because they remind me of passing time which makes scheduling things hard. It's an unusual phobia. I've never met anyone else with it. 

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You have plenty to look forward to.  People didn't start taking me seriously until I hit 40 lol.

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2 hours ago, Ironman said:

You have plenty to look forward to.  People didn't start taking me seriously until I hit 40 lol.

I feel some people still don't take me seriously since I'm autistic. 😟

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At times people place expectations upon others that are unreal. It is not up to others to tell us what we should or should not be doing by a certain age. It is up to us to work out our plans. In doing that we should never make those expectations too high. As in higher than we know we can really reach. Still plenty of time to do loads of things. You are still young. Just wait till you reach 80 and then we will all call you old. 😀

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2 hours ago, Cuchculan said:

At times people place expectations upon others that are unreal. It is not up to others to tell us what we should or should not be doing by a certain age. It is up to us to work out our plans. In doing that we should never make those expectations too high. As in higher than we know we can really reach. Still plenty of time to do loads of things. You are still young. Just wait till you reach 80 and then we will all call you old. 😀

It's hard not to compare yourself to others. That's always true but during the last year with everything virtual, all I see is what people share. I hear about their game nights on zoom or learning to make sourdough or whatever or posting pics with their kids and I just think, what a happy life, and here I am so unfulfilled. Why can't I have that too? 😥

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2021 at 8:40 PM, davide.h said:

I feel some people still don't take me seriously since I'm autistic. 😟

Then they miss out.  Use it to your advantage.  I had to become more assertive.  That's a tough area for people with anxiety.  We think other people will think less of us.

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Many people who have autism are happy and satisfied people. I had a boss who once told me that there will always be someone better off than you and someone worse off then you. You just want to be somewhere in between. I have a client who provides support for people with disabilities. When I was there a young man was there who had no arms. He just had some fingers out of his shoulders. He had a job answering phones and he used his feet. He ate and drank using his mouth. Another woman was there who was a dwarf and was blind. She took a bus every day to work and did counseling for the disabled. If you try and don't give up your life can be productive too. If these people can do it, so can you. The key is to persevere and never quit. 

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I am so tired though. I work so hard and have not gotten anything. I can have my job or my home taken away just like that. Makes me feel so worthless. 

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At least you have a job. Many people now don't have a job. Any of us can have our job or home lost if the circumstances are right, so you are not alone in this respect. Things could be worse you know. 

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I deleted my Facebook account because I realised that constantly comparing my life to that of others' wasnt helping my happiness.

Remember that the stuff you see other people post is carefully prepared and curated for public consumption. It does not reflect their real lives. I know a couple who were always posting pics of themselves doing fun stuff, smiling and happy. Then suddenly they broke up, turned out they had both been miserable with each other for a long time. 

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7 hours ago, Doug97 said:

I deleted my Facebook account because I realised that constantly comparing my life to that of others' wasnt helping my happiness.

Remember that the stuff you see other people post is carefully prepared and curated for public consumption. It does not reflect their real lives. I know a couple who were always posting pics of themselves doing fun stuff, smiling and happy. Then suddenly they broke up, turned out they had both been miserable with each other for a long time. 

Who wants to see what people had for dinner at the restaurant when you can either make it at home or buy something at the grocery store?

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