
Neurology appointment yesterday has terrified me

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Hey folks.  I went through a big M*/A** scare back in 2013 after I had an inner ear infection (note: I was never really dizzy).  I had quite a bit of buzzing, twitching, etc.  I never saw anyone about it, and when my anxiety finally subsided, it went away.

When I had the inner ear stuff, I experienced roughly 3-4 months of what I would call a "haziness".  My brain wasn't foggy, per se; it was more like I hadn't got enough sleep the night before, but all the time.  There's just general sense of something being off, but I can function like normal.  It finally diminished as well.  Since then, I've went through two more bouts of said haze, the current one lasting since around Thanksgiving.

I saw my GP, who told me to check with an ENT.  He also suggested I see a neuro, just to put my mind at ease.  The ENT appointment was awesome; the guy explained that not all vestibular issues are with the ears, and it could be my neck, eyes, etc.  He gave me exercises to do and told me to work on them for the next few months.  He was confident I'd get back to normal soon enough.  That's been a month ago and I'm slightly better, but not all the way.

So, yesterday, I saw the neurologist.  Let me start off by saying this dude was a trip.  He wasn't American, so there was definitely some cultural differences at play, but his mannerisms were just sort of off-putting, to say the least.  I described what I was dealing with and he began asking questions.  He asked if I'd ever injured my neck.  I told him I'd sprained it back in 2009 and had issues with it ever since.  He then did reflex tests all over, then mentioned I was hyper reflexive and positive for something called Hoffman's sign, as there was weakness in my ankles. 

He wants me to do an MRI to check my neck.  He also wants to check my brain "just to be safe".  When I point blank asked him if he thought I might have the big M, his response was "let's see what the MRI says".

Now I'm beyond scared.  He mentioned a possible neck compression, which would make sense with the pain I've had for years.  But I'm 100% convinced they're going to find something more sinister there and I don't know if I can take it.  I keep trying to remind myself that he himself never mentioned anything neurological, so maybe I shouldn't panic.  But I can't help it.

Anything you guys can relate would be sincerely appreciated. 

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1 hour ago, cbhaga01 said:

Hey folks.  I went through a big M*/A** scare back in 2013 after I had an inner ear infection (note: I was never really dizzy).  I had quite a bit of buzzing, twitching, etc.  I never saw anyone about it, and when my anxiety finally subsided, it went away.

When I had the inner ear stuff, I experienced roughly 3-4 months of what I would call a "haziness".  My brain wasn't foggy, per se; it was more like I hadn't got enough sleep the night before, but all the time.  There's just general sense of something being off, but I can function like normal.  It finally diminished as well.  Since then, I've went through two more bouts of said haze, the current one lasting since around Thanksgiving.

I saw my GP, who told me to check with an ENT.  He also suggested I see a neuro, just to put my mind at ease.  The ENT appointment was awesome; the guy explained that not all vestibular issues are with the ears, and it could be my neck, eyes, etc.  He gave me exercises to do and told me to work on them for the next few months.  He was confident I'd get back to normal soon enough.  That's been a month ago and I'm slightly better, but not all the way.

So, yesterday, I saw the neurologist.  Let me start off by saying this dude was a trip.  He wasn't American, so there was definitely some cultural differences at play, but his mannerisms were just sort of off-putting, to say the least.  I described what I was dealing with and he began asking questions.  He asked if I'd ever injured my neck.  I told him I'd sprained it back in 2009 and had issues with it ever since.  He then did reflex tests all over, then mentioned I was hyper reflexive and positive for something called Hoffman's sign, as there was weakness in my ankles. 

He wants me to do an MRI to check my neck.  He also wants to check my brain "just to be safe".  When I point blank asked him if he thought I might have the big M, his response was "let's see what the MRI says".

Now I'm beyond scared.  He mentioned a possible neck compression, which would make sense with the pain I've had for years.  But I'm 100% convinced they're going to find something more sinister there and I don't know if I can take it.  I keep trying to remind myself that he himself never mentioned anything neurological, so maybe I shouldn't panic.  But I can't help it.

Anything you guys can relate would be sincerely appreciated. 

From what I have noticed, if they don't tell you anything at all, you are good.  If there is testing, all you can do is wait for results if they hadn't said anything to you.

I would think you would have heard something by now.

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Just now, Ironman said:

From what I have noticed, if they don't tell you anything at all, you are good.  If there is testing, all you can do is wait for results if they hadn't said anything to you.

I would think you would have heard something by now.

Oh, the MRI isn't until the Monday after next.  Yesterday was just an initial consult.  I'm having to wait on it due to me getting my wisdom teeth out next week 🤮

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1 minute ago, cbhaga01 said:

Oh, the MRI isn't until the Monday after next.  Yesterday was just an initial consult.  I'm having to wait on it due to me getting my wisdom teeth out next week 🤮

I had five wisdom teeth, all pulled at the same time.  I was probably more freaked out about that than any hospital experience.  They showed me a video of what they were going to do (slice my teeth and pull them), all under anesthesia.   They said a side effect of the surgery was DEATH, lol! 

All I remember is, they gave me the anesthesia, asked me about how college was, and then the whole thing was over! LOL  I was woozy and in a little pain, but I got to eat soft ice cream!

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13 minutes ago, Ironman said:

I had five wisdom teeth, all pulled at the same time.  I was probably more freaked out about that than any hospital experience.  They showed me a video of what they were going to do (slice my teeth and pull them), all under anesthesia.   They said a side effect of the surgery was DEATH, lol! 

All I remember is, they gave me the anesthesia, asked me about how college was, and then the whole thing was over! LOL  I was woozy and in a little pain, but I got to eat soft ice cream!

My top two are perfectly straight.  My bottom two are both sideways.  Those have potential to be a complete pain in the ass.  But I'm loaded up on protein shakes and Superman ice cream, so I'm ready to rock.

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3 minutes ago, cbhaga01 said:

My top two are perfectly straight.  My bottom two are both sideways.  Those have potential to be a complete pain in the ass.  But I'm loaded up on protein shakes and Superman ice cream, so I'm ready to rock.

You'll be fine - you have to get through that to get to the other tests anyway.  One thing at a time.

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Some doctors have no bedside manner. I remember years ago, I went for an eye exam as one of my eyes was bothering me. My regular eye physician was out of town so I saw an associate. She asked me if I was having headaches and I said no and asked why. She then said one of my optic nerves was larger then the other and if I was having headaches, this could indicate a brain tumor. I got pretty nervous and pissed off by what she said. I told my regular eye physician I would appreciate to not mention a brain tumor unless I actually had one. 

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9 hours ago, MARC said:

Some doctors have no bedside manner. I remember years ago, I went for an eye exam as one of my eyes was bothering me. My regular eye physician was out of town so I saw an associate. She asked me if I was having headaches and I said no and asked why. She then said one of my optic nerves was larger then the other and if I was having headaches, this could indicate a brain tumor. I got pretty nervous and pissed off by what she said. I told my regular eye physician I would appreciate to not mention a brain tumor unless I actually had one. 

Isn't that the truth?  I saw several dermatologists when I was younger who I can honestly say were in the room with me for less than an entire minute.  They didn't even give me time to ask them questions.  

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I suggest finding another neurologist unless this neurologist is supposed to be one of the best out there.  You said "GP" so I'm hoping your socialized healthcare lets you move to another neurologist.

I switched to another Neurologist at a clinic that had several different Neurologists because I wasn't a fan of the first one's bedside manner and he was way more reassuring.  Very personable, quiet, straight and to the point but doesn't fear monger.  He knows I have health anxiety so he doesn't try to jump to conclusions.

From what you've told us, your neuro's probably just trying to check if anything is going on with your neck that's causing all your issues.  The MRI is a "just to be safe" thing, I think.  My neuro sent me for an MRI for the same reason as well when I was worried about it.

Hope this all works out for you, OP.

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Ended up having a spinal MRI and not a brain scan.  My insurance denied it on grounds that it wasn't "medically necessary".  I took that as a sign.

Test results came back completely normal.  Neurologist said there was no reason to follow-up.  So, while I didn't get an ironclad answer to my worries, I feel much, much better.

Also, my wisdom teeth surgery went great!  I'm still on soft foods, but I'm 90% better.  And I've lost 8 pounds in the past two weeks while still drinking milkshakes most night, so that's pretty awesome.

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14 hours ago, cbhaga01 said:


Ended up having a spinal MRI and not a brain scan.  My insurance denied it on grounds that it wasn't "medically necessary".  I took that as a sign.

Test results came back completely normal.  Neurologist said there was no reason to follow-up.  So, while I didn't get an ironclad answer to my worries, I feel much, much better.

Also, my wisdom teeth surgery went great!  I'm still on soft foods, but I'm 90% better.  And I've lost 8 pounds in the past two weeks while still drinking milkshakes most night, so that's pretty awesome.

Yeah....NO news is good news when it comes to hospital stuff.  I

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The saga continues:

Got a call from the neurologist's office today at work out of nowhere.  They said they'd submitted an appeal to my insurance and got the brain scan approved after all.  I go in next Tuesday afternoon.

To be honest, I'm super anxious, super annoyed (because I feel like this should have happened already), but almost a bit relieved.  Getting clear results from the spinal MRI helped calm me down, but I didn't get that definitive answer that I wanted.  So, while I'm amped up quite a bit again, I'm not nearly as bad as I was the first time.

I'll update this again next week.  Fingers crossed, folks.

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Well, I can tell you that insurance has been a bit more slow with thing in the last two years or so, but that doesn't you won't be fine.

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Final update:

Got the results of my brain scan back today.  Totally clear.  I do not have MS.

At this point, all signs indicate a vestibular issue, as I'd previously mentioned.  I'm going to get back into my VRT exercises and try to start enjoying life again.

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You need to try to go a good length of time without having to get scanned. :)

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