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I've been worried sick for the past 2 months. Started off with daily reflux and indigestion which started out of nowhere! Also dull mid/upper left back pain. Had labs done and showed slightly elevated lipase level. CT and ultrasound of abdomen showed normal pancreas and gallbladder. I've lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks and now have greasy,loose oily stools. So convinced my doctors and the scans are missing something. I have SO many signs of pan can 😞

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My uncle who was 85 and had pancreatic cancer had sudden extreme abdominal pain and was taken to the ER where the cancer was discovered. The scans you had would have shown any pancreatic issues. Your symptoms are most likely due to stress, a virus, etc. 

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I’m having the same fear.  I sometimes have loose stools also and have upper left back and abdominal discomfort.  From what I’ve read, that kind of cancer is quick spreading so even in two months your symptoms would have gotten a lot worse.  
CT scans are a good way of detecting that kind of cancer, so I would trust your scan.  
honestly that is the only thing that is keeping me partially sane, is knowing that I had a clear CT a year ago (I’ve had these symptoms for a little over a year).  However I understand how our anxiety can overwhelm us and take over.  

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Blood Lipase levels can also detect pancreatic issues.

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