
New , looking for advice / support

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Hi everyone. I’m new here looking for some additional support because I feel super alone and crazy since no one around me understands my health anxiety. It is so severe I think I’m going to go into cardiac arrest every minute of the day , even though I have had 6 EKGS, stress test, echocardiogram & now a Holter monitor. I just can’t turn it off. I finally decided to go on medication last week and I start new therapy Monday. I just feel so crazy. It sucks and it is debilitating. I am only in my early 20’s, I don’t want to be this miserable. Any advice?


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Try to make the most out of every moment. I would try relaxing a lot to get your mind off your medical test or any errands you have to do. I also think that you should be excited to start new therapy since it will give you a new outlook on life and new techniques on how to cope with stress! Hopefully this helps and ask me any questions if you have any!

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Try to keep your mind occupied with things you enjoy, such as a hobby, etc. This will help distract you from bad thoughts. Find someone you can talk to candidly. This will be a big help. Maybe even talk to clergy. Do whatever it takes to get your life back on track. 

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Hi. Gia. You are in the old spiral of fear/symptoms/anxiety/fear. It's a never ending loop. Because you add fear to fear it just goes on and on. You can try and distract yourself in many ways, but inevitably you come back to you and the problem. You are NOT going Crazy. Get that idea out of your mind once and for all. So many of us feel that way at first. Anyone who has not been there with HA would they understand, how could they? Because it can't be seen it's not there. Physical illnesses they can understand, mental ones, no way!  You are far from alone. Everyone on this site knows to a greater or lesser degree how you feel. Now there is a book I suggest you get. (Yeah, I know, another book!!). It's 'Essential help for your Nerves' by Dr. Claire Weekes, available on Amazon. No longer with us sadly. She was considered an authority on nervous disorders. She talks about acceptance, not fighting or struggling with 'IT'. You constantly add 'second fear' to the original fear which causes the loop. Don't try to 'turn it off' that's just not possible. TOTAL ABSOLUTE ACCEPTANCE of all the awful symptoms. It's not easy by any means, but it can be done given the will. Deep breaths when you feel anxious. This is not some 'thing' trying to get at you. I hope the new therapy and medication will help, but it still comes down to you and your attitude to the problem   Beat wishes.

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I have only had therapy once , but I got off my anxiety meds and started a beta blocker because I actually do have an arrhythmia. I’m feeling so much better!!

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