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Gia32345 last won the day on July 29 2020

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About Gia32345

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  1. I have only had therapy once , but I got off my anxiety meds and started a beta blocker because I actually do have an arrhythmia. I’m feeling so much better!!
  2. Hi everyone. I’m new here looking for some additional support because I feel super alone and crazy since no one around me understands my health anxiety. It is so severe I think I’m going to go into cardiac arrest every minute of the day , even though I have had 6 EKGS, stress test, echocardiogram & now a Holter monitor. I just can’t turn it off. I finally decided to go on medication last week and I start new therapy Monday. I just feel so crazy. It sucks and it is debilitating. I am only in my early 20’s, I don’t want to be this miserable. Any advice?
  3. Hi everyone. I’m new here looking for some additional support because I feel super alone and crazy since no one around me understands my health anxiety. It is so severe I think I’m going to go into cardiac arrest every minute of the day , even though I have had 6 EKGS, stress test, echocardiogram & now a Holter monitor. I just can’t turn it off. I finally decided to go on medication last week and I start new therapy Monday. I just feel so crazy. It sucks and it is debilitating. I am only in my early 20’s, I don’t want to be this miserable. Any advice?