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Blood after BM (TMI)

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I'm freaking out a bit. I have chronic constipation and have sometimes seen small amounts of blood on my toilet paper, but have been told I have minor hemorrhoids. It's been about a year or so since I've experienced this, but today I was having some really bad stomach pains and constipation (despite drinking boatloads of water and trying to eat healthily, this has always been an issue for me). When I went to the washroom, there was more blood than I've seen more - bright red, quite a few drops on my toilet paper and in the toilet bowl. I freaked out. It eventually calmed down, but I am still in def-con 5 mode here. My anxiety is spiralling and I'm not sure what I should do. Rationally, I think I probably have a hemorrhoid or fissure from constipation/straining, but my irrational mind says colon cancer. :( Should I make a doctors appointment? I'm embarrassed about how much I see her. 

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Constipation can cause blood in the stool because you strain and hurt yourself, constipation can also lead to hemorrhoids and fissures. When you get anxious you also tense up all your muscles, even if you aren't aware of it, which can make it worse. If it's not much blood it's most likely nothing serious, but it wouldn't hurt to tell your doctor about it just in case. Your doctor may also give you something special to help the problem. In the mean time I would get a mild laxative and try it to see if it helps at all, and eat more fiber. If you are developing a hemorrhoid or fissure something you can do to treat it is take a bath with Epsom salts in it, Epsom salt will also help you relax. Colon cancer is rare, especially if you are young, and you see a lot more blood from it. It's not colon cancer, I assure you :) I hope that you feel better soon. 

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Thank you so much for your response @Bella P.

I've calmed down a bit but am still very anxious. Hoping this is nothing to worry about but I recall it being a lot more blood than I've seen before. 

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When I was 25, which was many years ago, I went to the bathroom and when I got up, the toilet bowl was filled with red blood and the tissue was drenched with red blood. I had an immediate meltdown. It turned out to be nothing serious. 

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That makes me feel a little better @MARCas I'm 27 and panicking here. I'm hoping this is a simple explanation like hemorrhoids.  

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Today my stomach feels gurgly and bloated, lots of sharp pains. :( This makes me more nervous there's something actually wrong.

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Do you think it could be the anxiety of yesterday’s issues 😉

Anxiety can wreak havoc on the digestive system. We know that at yet when we have stomach issues think it’s got to be cancer. Even with other symptoms it’s still anxiety. The fact that it started the day after you had blood and were (justifiably) freaked out points right to it.

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I would think that is just the after effects of the anxiety on your digestive system, as well as the after effects of the constipation as well.

Like iugrad said, anxiety can wreak havoc on the digestive system. Your stomach is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Any little thing to mess it up is gonna change some things up. It happens.

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Thanks both - my stomach is feeling a lot better this afternoon. I have none of my typical hemorrhoid symptoms like itching or pain but I'm going to pick up some OTC medication just in case. I've made an appointment with my PCP for August 6th just in case it doesn't clear up by then. Until then, I'm going to try to calm myself down -- blood is such a trigger for me, goodness. 

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I use Cortizone 10 for any itching or irritation and it has really helped me.

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Another TMI situation but I almost just fainted... I had a small BM that had black flecks in it... I'm freaking out. :( 

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3 hours ago, armeade25 said:

Another TMI situation but I almost just fainted... I had a small BM that had black flecks in it... I'm freaking out. :( 

That's not the 'black" they are talking about. My friend had colon cancer. (She's 7 years cancer free) she had solid black stools and black blood clots. I've had black flecks etc.. in my stools too. It's pieces of what you have eaten. Nothing more. Hugs. You are ok. 

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