
Head and neck cancer anxiety

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I've been trying my harderst to get my anxiety under control but I've been failing. I've been obsessed with my throat lately and getting throat cancer. Everyone I show says they see nothing wrong, I have no pain or discomfort, no swollen lymph nodes or pain of any kind. The more I think of it the more I feel a lump in my throat when I swallow. And i think the veins in the back of my throat look weird. I'm only 25 years old and I'm always scared of one thing or another but this really has me by the throat. Can anyone help?

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Hi 25,

Feeling a lump when swallowing is the norm. It’s either from post nasal drip or anxiety. I believe it’s called globus sensation. Both are harmless. Your symptoms are in no was cancer. At 25 that would be incredibly rare regardless. You can relax and let go of this fear.

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1 hour ago, Bobnnat said:

Hi 25,

Feeling a lump when swallowing is the norm. It’s either from post nasal drip or anxiety. I believe it’s called globus sensation. Both are harmless. Your symptoms are in no was cancer. At 25 that would be incredibly rare regardless. You can relax and let go of this fear.

I absolutely agree! Well said, @Bobnnat. Globus sensation, indeed. I get this often with reflux, and it's also very common (and still normal) for someone with anxiety - which also causes it for me.

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Globus sensations everyday for me.

Acid reflux, post nasal drip from allergy triggers, then excessive throat clearing that irritates it. Looking down at my phone too much throughout the day, sleeping with a pillow too high. ENT says the more you try to "clear mucus" by clearing your throatng...the more the body produces. And that clearing your throat slams your vocal chords. Add thinking about it and anxiety 

Lots reasons for the sensation 

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