Sommer J

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  1. I’m also struggling with a als fear. I have twitching and cramps as well as trembling or shaking. Does anyone know how common it is with people with als to have tremors? I’m so worried.
  2. I’ve had muscle twitching all over my body for about 4 months but for the last two months I’ve been have pulsing in my heels and one spot on my left heel goes numb. Please help
  3. Yeah I can lift anything I just have the quivers feeling in both of my arms for months now and idk what it is.
  4. Anyone feel like their arms are trembling/shaking when trying to hold yourself up ? Or even lift up your arms. What is it ? It cant be anxiety
  5. Thank you for the advice. I’m trying really hard today. It sucks that this is taking over my life. Every time these sensations come back I have a mini freak out session. Like right now my soles of my feet are twitching and I’m trying to get it off my mind
  6. What did you do to breath better?It feels like I can’t get enough air breathing out my mouth. I can’t believe you have this too. Scary isn’t it.
  7. I’ve had twitching and shortness of breath but not like winded short of breath but almost like I can’t get enough air kinda like holding your breath.
  8. Wow, do either of you feel like you have shortness of breath ?
  9. See I haven’t yet seen a neurologist because my doctor says it’s anxiety but I still wonder what it is. But it’s reassuring to hear that you have experienced it too. How long did your tongue twitching last? Or how long have you been twitching ?
  10. So I can’t even shake this. I’ve been twitching everywhere for about 2-3 months and 2 days ago it started in my tongue... anyone else have this problem. I’m so scared
  11. So I can’t even shake this. I’ve been twitching everywhere for about 2-3 months and 2 days ago it started in my tongue... anyone else have this problem. I’m so scared.
  12. It feels like a heartbeat and no it lasts a few minutes on and off
  13. That definitely freaks me out even more now
  14. The soles of my feet and hands are pulsating everyday. It’s freaking me out. Anyone else have this going on right now ? What is this