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  1. I’m pretty confused on what’s been going on with me and I am always searching for something that sounds like all of my symptoms- I’m sure its anxiety but I always second guess it. It seems like I feel weird if I get heartburn, if I have to use the bathroom, if anything is off. Sometimes after I go to the bathroom I will feel better. Is this normal? I feel really wired like I need to move like kick my leg when I’m sitting or sway when I’m standing Recently I have been feeling dizzy off and on and like someone is pushing down on my neck. It seems worse with rainy weather. Is this all in my head?
  2. I’ve had issues with health anxiety in the past so I’m assuming that this is related to it but it feels different. I’ve recently experienced a lot of work stress and have had a flare with my TMJ. For the last month, I will get a very brief dizzy spell(seconds), my stomach will get queasy and my head will feel like it’s falling forward. I naturally stiffen my neck bc it feels heavy. Some times it will last longer and I will feel “spacey”. I have even woken up from my sleep because I feel like I’m fainting?! I’d that even a thing? I’m not sure what’s going on but is this all anxiety related?