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About deankekman

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    NJ America

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  1. I kinda feel like People are Strange by the Doors fits me really well. some more songs fit me, but the lyrics to this really spoke to me here. What songs fit you?
  2. I've been playing guitar but I suck. I wanna get lessons but I'm too poor. Does anyone wanna help me learn how to be good? Here's the stuff that I could do so far.
  3. I was gonna do something like this, but I'm kinda nervous about the reception.
  4. Hey, thanks. I'm not good at introductions as you could see.... or just talking in general so yeah. Thanks! I remember talking with you shortly, don't really remember what about but yeah. Heyo Heyo.
  5. Grunge, Metal, classic rock, and punk rock.
  6. So I've been working out for a while, and making diet changes, however I haven't been able to obtain any size. I've been getting slightly toned, however I don't really enjoy being 120 lbs at 5'5. Or any height for that matter. Is there anything I can do to maybe bulk up a bit? Like maybe take a supplement or something?
  7. For some reason it posted the thread twice. Sorry admins..
  8. deankekman


    I'm Dean. I'm not really good at talking sooo yeah... hiii..
  9. deankekman


    I'm Dean. I'm not really good at talking sooo yeah... hiii..