
Burning sensation in neck and upper shoulders

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Hi there

Does anyone experience burning sensation behind their neck and shoulders. This has been going on a for a few months. I know it's stress and tension and some anxiety.

I did do massage but it didn't really help. I do try to do progressive relaxation  tape at least once a month.

But any other suggestions would be helpful and if anyone has this issue or had it and how did it go away.


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I get great tension in the area you speak about and it's very painful.  I know it's tension and I just roll my head around to loosen up the muscles.  If the meditation tape helps you I would suggest using it more often, at least once a day or at bedtime.  My stomach also tenses up and that starts my anxiety.  I take Dicylomine for my stomach and it helps too.  Deep breathing also can help you relax and I'm guilty of shallow breathing so I need to take my own advice on this one.  Hope you feel better.

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Yeah just to echo Bterflymom, definitely prolonged tension then the focus firing up the nerve endings.  The more you use the relaxation techniques (specifically passive progressive relaxation techniques) the more neuroplasticity rewires the brain and allows for automatic relaxation in the effected areas.

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Hi sorry I meant I do the progressive relaxation tape at least once a day. Trying to do at least 2 times but hard when i have 2 kids to look after. 

I will try to do the relaxation  techniques more often. I hate this feeling never felt this bad with anxiety before.

Thanks for the reply. 

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Try not to make the relaxation a chore, if you can only do it once a day realistically, then do that. What thoughts are cycling through your mind currently? 

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I always listened to the relaxation tapes before I went to sleep and they work even if you are sleeping so they say.  If the kids take a nap get your tape going so you can relax at the same time.  Breathe deep, count to 8 on the inhale, hold for the count of 4 and exhale to the  count of 4.  Do that a few times too and notice if your stomach muscles are tight, that will cause me anxiety every time.

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16 hours ago, rainbow said:

Hi there

Does anyone experience burning sensation behind their neck and shoulders. This has been going on a for a few months. I know it's stress and tension and some anxiety.

I did do massage but it didn't really help. I do try to do progressive relaxation  tape at least once a month.

But any other suggestions would be helpful and if anyone has this issue or had it and how did it go away.


Hey hun, yes oh my yes I used to have this every day too. 100% stress and tension. Keep at the massage and relaxation tapes, have you got any epsom salts? I'm certain having epsom salt baths is what helped with my tension and burning sensations, it would start to come back if I ran out of salts. Might be worth a try? Magnesium spray can help too

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Hi butterfly my kids are 13 and 10. I wish I could force them down for a nap lol. My therapist taught me a breathing technique a little bit longer than the one i do. She said start out 5 times a day and than build it up to 10.

Mark I am just a very sensitive person overall. So when the kids have outbursts or meltdowns. I take on their emotions if that makes any sense. I am working on setting more boundaries with them.

Than I was working full time in a toxic work environment. Hubby works late hours. So it was a build up stress and tension. Than I have always been a worry wart. Right now I am on stress leave working on getting myself better to be able to work again.

Gilly i do have Epsom salts. I just need to make more time for self care. I think once the kids are back in school. I will have more time for that. How often did you the massage and Epsom salt baths when your tension was really bad ?

I saw the signs coming that I was leading to burnout i guess i didn't catch them sooner. Plus I am on new meds which seem to be helping better. 

But glad to know this is a symptom of anxiety and hopefully it will eventually subside

Thanks again for the replies. 

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I guess kids 10 and 13 don't take naps anymore but hopefully when school starts you will have more time for your relaxation.  Today I am grieving the birthday of my oldest son who died at age 26 in 1989.  The missing never ends and I had big anxiety this morning and yesterday thinking about it. I wish I could take a nap and just sleep for a while but it seems it is alluding me right now.

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Aww bterfly ((hugs))....that is hard I can totally relate. I lost my mom too back in 1989 and she was only 47. They say time is the best healer but you never forget the pain  of losing your loves one. I pray to God I never have to lose a child and I understand you lost 2 of them. You are a strong women. But know one day you will meet them again.

Take care 


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Days like today I didn't feel strong at all, cried much of the day.   Your mom died at a young age, so sorry for your loss too.  Thank you for your kind words.

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