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Chat Acronym/Abbreviation & other BS 'Glossary'

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OK by popular demand I give you the Anxiety Central Chat Glossary

BRB - 'be right back'

BBS - 'be back soon'

BBL - 'be back later'

BBIAB - 'be back in a bit'

TBH - 'to be honest'

TBF - 'to be fair or frank'

FFS - 'for f*cks sake'

WYD - 'what you doing'

CBA - 'can't be arsed' (don't feel like doing it)

IDK - 'I don't know'

WB - 'welcome back'

YW - 'you're welcome'

WUM - 'wind up merchant' ie - bj

British 'Lingo'

Tea - 'evening meal'

Cuppa - 'cup of tea/coffee'

F*g - 'cigarette (censored)'

Footy - 'football ie 'soccer''

Blag - 'acquire by cheekiness or deception'

Chav - 'similar to a US 'redneck'

Minging - 'gross/ugly'

Grim/Grimm - 'gross/ugly'

Innit - 'isn't it'

The day - 'today'

Feel free to suggest/add and I will update the list

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 when does everyone go into chat?


I just went in and there was not a person in there to speak with 


FFS I hope some people join :)

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lol I like your usage of "FFS" AnxiousPanic :) I think its a bit haphazard when the chatroom gets busy. Sometimes I look and there are heaps of people, other times one or two, and sometimes none. If you go in there and hang around, sometimes people see theres someone there and come in. 

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 when does everyone go into chat?


I just went in and there was not a person in there to speak with 


FFS I hope some people join :)

I know I have the same problem 

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