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Can't sleep all of a sudden

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Hello, I'm new to this site. And any anxiety site in general....I just recently have not been able to get sleep and I can't put my finger on it-as to why. I was prescribed hydroxyzine 3 days ago when I went into the clinic for being up all night on top of catching a virus of having body aches. The Dr. Suggests its just a cold virus heightened by anxiety..... The hydroxyzine seems to help but takes an hour or two if that even makes sense...

It's a feeling of restless leg syndrome but mainly in my arms, and just body aches n pains in general. Nothing was done but a pee test, so who knows what this is....but I would just love some insight of experiences and some advice... I took Tylenol Pm, has not helped yet...took ZZZquil, but that seems to make the muscle aches worse. Please's 6am I'm still up this is my third day doing this...I.'ll most likely sleep without even realizing and get up 4-5 hrs later and that's if I'm lucky..... Thx.

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Hey 27fem, welcome to AC. For sure being sick can heighten anxiety and cause sleeping problems. I can relate to the feeling as I have RLS and yes sometimes also feel those nasty sensations in my arms too. Strangely though I sleep fine, its the evenings when my symptoms really bother me, by the time I lay down in bed I'm so relieved that my body relaxes. Is there anything else that may be worrying you, stressing you out? Besides the virus that could be affecting your anxiety? Is anxiety new to you or have you suffered from it before?

Try your best to stay in bed, rest even if you find it hard to sleep.

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I do have sleeping problem sometimes due to stress and to depression. Because of that I become so moody. Haven't tried yet any medications as I can still handle the situation.

Try your best to stay in bed, rest even if you find it hard to sleep.

This works for me, and most of the time, I will not notice that I fall asleep.

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