
Guys are not attracted to me

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Besides my anxiety and everything I've always wanted a boyfriend. It been my dream to have a bf and now I'm 30 and haven't had one. It started to bother me now that I'm at age where most people are married and have kids by. I feel depressed that I'm running out of time to find someone before it's too late to have kids. I know that even if I have a boyfriend or a life I'm gonna want to enjoy it before i have kids but after certain time getting pregnant is difficult.I feel no guy will ever like me. I never was liked every guy I liked rejected me. I was called ugly. I do not go out a lot now cause of my anxiety but when I do I get made fun or stared at. People notice me and not in a good way. Guys give me dirty looks and seem disgusted and it makes me feel like nothing. I'm just sitting in the car while stopped at a light if it's a guy in car on the side he looks at me in disgust and if I'm standing outside a car of guys go by and look at me and laugh. There is no reason for this I'm not ugly I don't look like anything to be made fun of. I make myself look decent when I go out. My family don't believe me that guys aren't attracted to me but it's true. I could look great and feel good about myself it doesn't change fact that I'm not attractive to them. Maybe I should give it up that I'll ever be this girl that guys go crazy for it'll never happen. Any advice I don't want to feel this way  




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From the sound of things maybe you're hanging out with the wrong crowd?Confidence and putting yourself out there is important also. Last but not least guys are pretty simple lol.That's my male perspective :)gl

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Hi Worrygirl! 

I think it all comes down to self love and acceptance. If we truly do that we will send out that vibe, that in itself is attractive to the opposite gender, sometimes to the same gender too. It sounds like you might not have been able to get with the guys you wanted to in the past and that shook your self worth.

Just practice self love and acceptance and meet people in a causal setting. Maybe where there is not so much pressure? If you are a church going gal maybe church, or through a sport or some other interest. 

It will all work out and you have plenty of time for kids! Best Wishes. 

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Thank for the replies. Those guys didn't just reject me they made me feel like I was nothing and I don't know where to begin to feel good about myself I'm not  treated right by people when I go out 

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16 hours ago, Worrygirl86 said:

Maybe I should give it up that I'll ever be this girl that guys go crazy for it'll never happen. Any advice I don't want to feel this way  


Well, honestly: You don't need to be the girl that guys go crazy for. You need to find that one guy that you are crazy for!!! As in love him, have a connection with him etc. 

If a 100 guys were crazy about you for example, you think right know you would feel better but guess what? You probably wouldn't! You would enjoy that they admire your physical beauty but in all honesty, feeling good has to come from you! You have to love and accept yourself, it cannot come from the outside first. 

When I was younger a lot of guys were attracted to me just because the way I looked. That was flattering in some regards but always made me feel uneasy because I always wanted to be with a guy who would love my 'inside' as much as the outside. 

If someone would make feel like I was "nothing" as you've stated, I would not being going out with them. Like Lucid said; Make new contacts with people who are nice on the inside first! And take it from there. 

I think it's two-fold, work on yourself; not to look prettier, I'm sure you are fine but so that others don't have so much control over your feelings. You are the boss! 

Best Wishes! 


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Their is an old saying that goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". 

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