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Testicular Vericocele Questions.

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Background Information: for those that don't know a Vericocele is a problem that occurs with a damaged vein in the testicle that becomes inflamed, I was recently diagnosed with one and this question is geared more towards people who also have one and can answer my questions with personal experience, emotional support is of course always welcomed.

 So I've been researching the condition and I have some questions about it.

1. I had read that they are capable of causing chronic constipation but it was only one source, and I can't find any other information about the the relationship between the 2 conditions, and I've been experiencing chronic constipation lately and I was wondering if anyone else with a testicular vericocele has experienced constipation?

2. It's embarrassing to say but I can't shake the feeling that I'm having difficulties performing sexually, or at least I think I am. My long time girlfriend has told me that everything seems normal but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, I'm 22 and I shouldn't feel like I'm having a hard time maintaining an erection, now I've considered that maybe knowing that there is some kind of damage to my genitals is causing a mental block but I'm curious if anyone with a vericocele has experienced something similar, and I'm curious as to wether or not there is an actual physical link between sexual performance and this condition.

Apologies for the long winded post, thank you in advance to anyone who can offer information. 

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First of all STOP GOOGLING!!!! Absolutely nothing good will come out of it. Nothing! Only listen to your doctor(s). From what it sounds like, this is more of an annoying condition than anything, so think of it like this, "if this is the worst thing, then I am in good shape". In terms of sexual performance, I am sure you are performing just fine. Even if you weren't, your GF might still tell you you are doing good to make you feel better, however, I think she is being sincere when she says you are doing fine. Anxiety will mess with our minds and make us believe all sorts of things. I believe you are just fine. Try to believe that!

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My husband had both a epididmal cyst and hydrocele. Believe me sexual dysfuction from testicle issues is rare.

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