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Tear-Jerker Films

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What's the film that can't help but make you cry? A Walk To Remember is one on my list, next would be Freedom Writers! Very inspiring. :-)

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'The Champ' was the very first movie to make me bawl my eyes out. I always cry at 'It's A Wonderful Life' I think you would have to have a heart made of stone not to. In the cinema watching 'Revenge Of The Sith' I cried through the entire thing, could't stop lol. I always cry watching Watership Down, ET and Titanic.

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Oh gosh! A Walk to Remember is my husband's favorite movie. He's watched it at least 15 times and crys each time he watches it.

A movie that I was surprised I cried in was Bridge to Tarabithia. My youngest daughter dragged me to go see it, and I never read the book so was surprise about the death in this kids movie. I remember my throat hurting from trying to hold back the tears in that one scene and being angry with my daughter afterwards for not letting me know beforehand that I'd need tissues.

But the saddest tear-jerker movie of all time has to be The Passion of the Christ. How anyone could watch that and not cry is beyond me! All I heard in that theater were people crying and blowing their nose.

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I'm not ashamed to say that too many movies are 'Tear Jerkers' for me even song and poems..

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If you never seen the movie Fluke, its something to look for relating to this catergory.

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The one movie that I am pretty much guaranteed to cry every time I watch it is P.S I love you....I bawl my eyes out lol

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