
Jaws tight...anyone? ?

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So yesterday evening i noticed my jaw muscles felt tight. This morning they are still tight and aching like i have been clenching them all night or something..anyone ever experience this with anxiety? 

Needing reassurrance and logical reasoning this morning. 

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This is probably as common an anxiety symptom as racing heart... We tense when we feel fear and tightening of  the muscles and clenching of the jaw is SOOOO common..... So of course you probably clenched and then you would wake up feeling the ache... You have rationalized your own question when you read it back through.. which is such a good thing because even in the feeling of needing reassurance you sort of gave it to yourself :) 


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I have a tight jaw because I clench my jaw all the time that even at times my teeth hurt. When I start to relax that's when I notice the soreness in my jaws that I have to wiggle my jaw to relax it or I have to open my mouth wide and close it. I have had this problem many times that it does not scare me anymore.  Hope you feel better... Kathy

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