CaseyTally 11 Posted September 25, 2016 I haven't been active for a few weeks on here because I have been doing so well. I kind of just snapped out of it one day and started to feel great! This week I started to feel my anxiety coming on. I was trying to do my best and use all my coping mechanisms to combat the problem. However, yesterday I just succumbed to my feelings and had a panic attack! I was able to calm myself down enough to not be freaking out but I was emotional the whole night. I had to suck it up and go to a family party. Luckily everyone in my family is aware of my disorder and is very non-judgmental so I didn't feel I needed to hide my emotions. Today I am feeling weepy and terrible and anxious. I have an hour and 45 min left of work and I'm pushing through. I'm so frustrated this came back. I don't like setbacks. I get terrified of feeling like this everyday. I try to remind myself that I will snap out of it and feel better. It's such a hard battle. I hate it and I resent it and I know I'm supposed to accept it but I can't. I need some help. Who else has experienced set backs? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kylie21 357 Posted September 26, 2016 I've said this before many times to people one here.. SETBACKS.. though it may seem insane.... ARE needed.. why??? because they usually hit to give us a wake up like "hey your straying from the path a bit ...." They are normal... and very common.. But guess what you made it through and you handled it.. Now what you do with it from here on in will determine how long it lasts. You are stronger than your giving yourself credit for.. You have to focus on the fact that you were at a good place.. that just doesn't HAPPEN you worked to get there.. and you will again...... A saying I love... A setback is just setting us up for a great COMEBACK!!! have faith... and yes ACCEPT. and yes you can do it..... These moments these feelings have tested you.. and you have handled them each time even if you don't see it. Doubt is trying to say YOu can't do it that it will and has hold of you.. BUT you are in control.. You control how you respond and you control what happens moving forward... The statement you made "i get terrified of feeling like this everyday" stop right there ... but recently you weren't? so why would it be everyday now? its that fear of the unknown the futuristic worry that grabs us.. The best thing you can do is live in this moment. Bad days are needed sometimes because they make us appreciate the good ones. They open our eyes to things we may of not seen otherwise. Believe in yourself because nothing bad lasts forever and something good always comes out of every situation!!!!!! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonathan123 2368 Posted September 26, 2016 Oh Yes, as usual Kylie has her finger on the spot. I totally agree. Setbacks are a sure indication that we have 'strayed from the path'. We need to STOP!! Take a long hard look at what's happening, then move on having rectified whatever was causing the setback. Sounds easy? Oh no, no. I have recently had a setback and I thought, as usual, that it was here to stay. My wife gives me a good sharp kick up the butt that gets me moving. She is wicked!! but she knows me better than I know myself. What does concern me are the words you use. Please understand, I am NOT being critical, god knows, far from that. 'Pushing through', 'Frustrated', 'Hard battle', 'Resent it'. This all takes a lot of emotional energy, and that is something you have not got a lot of, have you? That is not acceptance. It does pass, it always does. But ALLOWING it to pass, to happen without getting annoyed, frustrated and turning it into a battleground is the answer. But you know that! Dr. Weekes talks of setbacks and allowing them as much time as it takes. "This one will never go, this one is with me for ever"!!!! I know just how you feel! Believe in yourself because nothing bad lasts forever and something good always comes out of every situation!!!!!! VERY wise words. Use the setback to learn. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaseyTally 11 Posted September 26, 2016 Thank you both. I should use this as a learning opportunity. I did feel it coming on. I knew it. So I need to reevaluate what happened last week to get my finger on why I'm in the midst of my panic again. I have to remember that just because I'm feeling good doesn't mean I should stop using techniques to help with my panic (meditation, rest, journaling, therapy, etc.) It really helps hearing from people who understand me. And I appreciate your kind ad encouraging words so much. Deep down I know this doesn't last forever and I'll get better. For example, yesterday I felt like absolute shit...but was able to get through work. I went to a "meetup" for people with anxiety/depression and actually was really glad I went. And at night I felt anxiety free and had a relaxing evening with my boyfriend. I said to my boyfriend last night as I was having a good moment "I wish I could feel like this all the time". I can...but it takes time. Every day I feel a little bit better. I was doing great for 2 weeks asI said, almost 90% anxiety free. But alas, setback. I get mad at "it". Why Me? I need to recognize how far I've come and that I'll continue to make progress and this is just a bump in the road. I'm strong but it's exhausting. And I have a lot of fear and I'm afraid of the "fear" but I don't really know what I'm afraid of. That's the definition of anxiety I guess? I need to work on my self esteem. Because I don't believe in myself sometimes even though everyone else around me does. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonathan123 2368 Posted September 26, 2016 Hi Casey. No, don't get mad at 'IT'. 'IT' can't help it because that's it's rotten nature. I sometimes suggest externalising 'IT'. Bloody anxiety!! Talk to the little sod, because that's what he is, little. Remember the man being chased by the Tiger? He ran and ran until, exhausted, he turned and faced the Tiger, which stopped and gradually shrunk to the size of a mouse and scuttled into the corner. By confronting our fears we overcome them. By hiding them or trying to ignore them we pile on problems because they won't go away. STOP RUNNING AWAY. Turn and face 'IT'. Give 'IT' a bloody good talking to. Who's boss here, me or you? Who has the most intelligence. ME!! so begone and don't come back or it's a good kick up the butt. OK? You will find if you do that to 'IT' it's not as big as you thought. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Natalie 0 Posted October 10, 2016 To Casey and everyone else who posted on this thread, I really needed to read this today. I'm in the middle of a set back that has come out of nowhere, and I'm absolutely terrified. I don't want to feel like this. My body feels like it's vibrating or shaking on the inside, I guess because I'm full of nervous energy. I'm not sleeping well, but sleep is my escape, so that's all I want to do. Just today the tears have started. Ugly, nerve racking sobs that won't stop. Luckily I'm off work today and tomorrow, but it sucks to think that I'm wasting two beautiful days while I'm stuck inside being a basket case. I just keep telling myself that it will get better. This will pass. It has to. I'm sorry for all of us that are going through this, but it is such a blessing to know that I am not alone and that there are others out there who know how I feel. <3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonathan123 2368 Posted October 11, 2016 Hi Natalie. Welcome to AC. . I am sorry to hear what you're going through, but is it any help to know that what you describe is typical of GAD, Anxiety. Tears come so easily. I am a man and not supposed to cry!! No? Well I have done my share believe me. Let it go Natalie; never try and stop the tears. It doesn't matter does it, and it can provide a little relief. I'm in the middle of a set back that has come out of nowhere, and I'm absolutely terrified. I don't want to feel like this. My body feels like it's vibrating or shaking on the inside. Setbacks do frighten because they often come 'out of the blue'. There seems to be no reason or trigger. Also, and this is something that does upset us, it's so disappointing. We think we are on the way when BAM!! The 'thing' is back. God will it never end? Yes, it will. If it's setback then you must have come out before. Do what you did then but above all accept how you feel and try, just try not to be so afraid of 'IT'. 'IT' thrives on fear. The more afraid you are the more adrenaline you produce the more it reacts. I do appreciate how difficult that is because our natural instinct is to 'fight it off'. Don't fall for that trick. 'IT' is full of nasty tricks. but it sucks to think that I'm wasting two beautiful days while I'm stuck inside being a basket case You MUST give it time. Trying to rush to get it over is counter productive. It makes you worse. This will pass. It has to. I'm sorry for all of us that are going through this, but it is such a blessing to know that I am not alone and that there are others out there who know how I feel. Yes, it will! It always does so try and be as patient as you can and accept it as best you can. Acceptance may not show immediate results but it does calm you down. And of course you are not alone. We are here if you want to vent, shout, yell moan or anything else you fancy. We have all done it at some time, believe me. Take care. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites