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Hello everyone,


I have had anxiety since before I can remember I didn't get diagnosed with severe anxiety till I was and adult. Anxiety has caused me to not finish school or be able to hold a job and I'm tired of it. I'm a 22 year old stay at home mom with two beautiful baby girls. I'm happy most of the time but I have made my life into what I can handle not always what I wanted. If there was any chance I could have a panic attack I would take myself out of the situation. Well now being an adult, a wife, and a mother I of course find myself in situations that cause me anxiety and I have done well dealing with it till now. We moved to a new home in a new city, I quit smoking, and we all got really sick. Its like everything is piling up. I'm finding it hard to deal with everything. Onr little thing sets me off and I'm crying and cant breathe just today my down stairs neighbor came up and told me that if I didn't keep my kids more quiet she was going to go complain to the office now I have a one year old and a two year old I do my best to be considerate but there is only so much I can do I cant duct tape their mouths closed. Its all just getting to be too much and I thought maybe if I found other people who have gone through the same thing and made it out ok it would help. Thanks for taking the time to read this any reply is appreciated!

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Welcome to AC Misty 

You have to come the right place. I can imagine it's not easy, moving to a new city, juggling motherhood with two small girls and than having to deal with an inconsiderate landlord. Naturally all of this stress can lead to anxiety. 

You are not alone many of us have been where you are and there are some that are in the midst of it. 

Have a look around the website you will find a lot of resources to help you along your way to recovery. 

Take care 


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Hello, welcome to AC,

As Amber has said, you have come to the right place full of support, information and understanding from decent people who are all in the same boat as you.  I'm sorry to hear that things are getting on top of you, it's not easy when you have anxiety to be able to cope when everything hits you at once.  A pretty ridiculous thing for your neighbor to say, it's a shame people like that exist.  A positive can be taken from your post, you say that you have managed to deal with it well until all of these issues cropped up.  That means that at times, you're able to see anxiety through.  Take that as a positive and draw from it.  Split all these worries into categories and try to separate them out, see which issues can be resolved and which can't.  Notice which thoughts create the anxious feelings, the triggers.  Notice how your anxiety stems from your fear of certain thoughts, it's your reaction to them which brings on the anxiety.  Your neighbor making threats will obviously create anxiety, that cannot be helped but other thoughts can be dealt with if you acknowledge them but don't fear them.   A thought without the attachment of fear is just a thought, nothing more.

Take time to have a good read through the forum, i guarantee that it will help you in recovery.


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Hi there and welcome to AC. Your going to find a lot of people on here who totally understand what you are going through. I know it's not easy moving to a new city and being in a new home. It's not easy moving period but especially when you have 2 small baby girls and having to deal with a not so nice neighbor right off the bat. Take a look around the site and read as much as you can. You will find lots of good advice on coping techniques and such. Sometimes, just get on here and talking to other people who get where your coming from helps. That always helps me when I am having a day or two or three.... 

We are here to help in anyway we can. Everyone here is so friendly and no one judges you or anything you have to say. 

Hang in there, this is all going to get better :) There is a light in the midst of this darkness you feel like your in at the moment...

Take care,


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Hello Misty and welcome! this site will be great because we get it! The struggle and how hard it is. Its nice to hear someone go.. I UNDERSTAND and they really do. I have two kids myself though older and just being a mom alone is a hard job. Especially a stay at home mom. They don't get the credit they deserve. I did that for a few years when mine were younger. So many people depend on you and you play so many roles. Stress sounds like a big trigger for you. I know it is for me. And it seems that's how life  goes, One thing hits then another.... This is when you have to trust with the support around you to help and just take things ONE day at a time and one thing at a time.   I moved from the US to Canada with my kids to be with my husband as he is from here. I was scared and very nervous. Change with anxious people is usually very hard. But change in general takes time. Good on you to quit smoking.

You have support here and we will always be here to listen best we can . :)

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It's funny, I just moved to a new home in a new city last month, quit smoking two weeks ago and am taking time to explore my fears (25yo m) I have a 9 month old son back in Canada and I'm loving in Australia. He's with mum but we're open and split. It's times like these that friends and kinship make me realise that I am truly blessed for all the love I've shared and that life goes on regardless, that for all the sin and fearfulness that exists in shadows in my mind it's simply empty! There is so so much more goodness that has happened to me looking back. Reflect on the hardships and the positivity in your heart and look how all the bad times have turned out? You got where you are today and that's worth something. Lots of love and hugs and I wish you and your daughters the very best. Good luck

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