
Worsening Depression.

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I've recently noticed my depression's getting worse and easier to set off.

I had a

massive problem with my soon-to-be-ex housemate and her partner basically

nicking stuff out of my room, then returning it. Since then, I've locked my door at

all times apart from when I'm in the room - even when it's just me and Jon. Now

my other housemate is having a massive go at me cos we have someone (who may

live with us next academic year) doing a house viewing on Sunday. The problem is

that apparently this person might want to look in my room (why? She won't be in

my room!) and cos I'll be at work, my door will be locked. Cue my news feed being

clogged up by her and my fiance Jon having an argument over whether or not it's

acceptable to lock your door in your own house!

It's been really hard for me because my depression's been steadily getting worse, and although I have tried Sertraline, and also Citalopram, as well as Prozac, it's become very easy to set me off. For example, the situation above happened today after I'd spent the whole day with my fiance and my best mate having my engagement photoshoot done (by my best mate!). I had a great time, then came back to find my housemate having a go at me over the fact that I lock my bedroom door!

Just fed up with people having a go at me for nothing.

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I also apologise for the spacing and stuff, still not sure how to work this site!

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Sorry youre having a hard time mel. It could be stress, I know before my wedding I fell into an odd funk, at the time I didnt realise what it was and just tried to carry on, but I felt numb to everything, and even had trouble feeling any emotion other than sadness. And not long after my wedding it just went away. Weddings are very stressful even though they are such a joyful occasion.

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It's just that she's having a massive go at me for locking my door, like it's the worst thing in the entire world and I'm some kind of freak for doing it.

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This type of thing also really upsets me. When people are giving me a hard time for the sake of it, or when they are trying to take advantage of me. It's unfortunate that there are people like this.

Just remember Melannen, she is soon to be your EX-housemate. You'll get through it, and then you don't have to worry about her anymore! :)

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There's nothing wrong with keeping your bedroom door locked, why should she care anyways? With her being so determined and volatile about it, it would have me questioning what her motive is. After all she has no right or place telling you that unless she's wanting something out of your room. Try real hard not to let it get to you, like Nina said soon she'll be your "ex house-mate" and you won't have to worry about her anymore. Tell her that the new roommate would just have to wait until you're home if she really has to see it but I don't get why that would be either. Good luck with it all. Chin up.

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This is a tricky situation. How do you know they are nicking stuff and returning it? Have they admitted they do it? Have you asked them not to do it? If you have asked them not to do it and they carry on doing it, locking your door is totally understandable. However, it is causing you stress and causing friction in the house, it needs to be resolved. Maybe you could come to an agreement with them, tell them you will give them one more chance on the condition that nothing is taken from your room.

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