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Can't not do things.

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My counselor told me that a lot of different things can present themselves in a bipolar case. She told me that people with BPD can also have cases of OCD, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD and so on. So, I have a somewhat mild case of OCD as it doesn't really disrupt my life very much. It's hard to describe, but if I think of something that needs to be done or might need to be done, I can't get it out of my head until I do it. It's not really important things (pay a bill, make an appointment, etc.) but small things.

For instance, if I'm going to bed and it occurs to me that I should unplug something, even if it's something that doesn't really need to be unplugged, it drives me nuts until I see to it. This also applies if I already know it's unplugged. I still have to check. It will literally keep me up all night.

Also, I am somewhat ritualistic. Every day when my husband goes to pick up the kids, I tell him "Be careful with my babies" and I believe in my heart of hearts that if I don't say that, something WILL happen. I can't deal if I forget to say it. I've even called him on the cell phone to make sure he hears it. There are other things that I have to say or do that drives me bonkers if I forget or put it off.

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That's me too, just the same. Even with the plugs.

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I am the same, I find what I do to be really bizarre though. A lot of mine are computer based. Like when I'm listening to music on full volume, I'll know its full volume, but every now and then I will simply HAVE to keep clicking the higher volume button. If I don't do it it drives me crazy, Or if I'm waiting for a text, even though if I'll be notified if I have a new text or not, I'll keep checking that conversation every couple of minutes.

Ahhh, OCD can be so annoying!

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Your OCD doesn't sound mild to me. A milder case would be harder to distinguish. For instance, is someone who is very health conscious and decides they want to limit the amount of toxins etc that infiltrate their body, OCD? I don't think so, but many doctors would say yes.

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I didn't know that was classified as OCD. If I have something that needs to be done and I don't do it, it will bother me to no end. I mean, I have to plan everything to the last detail. I think I am compulsive because I want to keep the anxiety down. Is that crazy or what? :panic:

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Lots of people feel like the same or have the same feeling to do something which once come into their minds, and if not done they would feel irritated and like undone. Which is just because of some anxiety and personality disorder and really possessive and conscious about things , otherwise most of people would never care about these sort of little things. 

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Hi.  Nixon. OCD is caused by a tired mind. When our mind is in good order (and whose is?) we are able to concentrate on one thing at a time to the exclusion of something that might intrude but when tired the mind skips from one thing to the other and settles on a particular problem, and like a dog with a bone, can't let it go. The Buddhists have a saying for this. ""The tired mind is like a mad monkey swinging from branch to branch sampling the fruits  and abiding nowhere". Rest and a quiet environment usually cures OCD but it can be a very upsetting condition. See the post and replies on Mindfulness.  J.

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