
Extreme fear not letting up

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well I've been having this blood clot and dvt fear for a month now. Went to doctor last week. She throughly examined my leg said it was arthritis in my knee. Told me that can cause referred pain down or up leg. Also said my quad  muscles are very tight. She said I definitely didn't have a blood clot or dvt. She said the burning I'm having in the side of my leg not hit to touch just a weird hot feeling is a nerve. That has actually gotten a little better. But knee and side of leg still feels right and stiff and twitchy. I'm not sleeping or eating . I'm so messed up I'm scared of my mental state right now.all I keep thinking is blood clot over and over all day all night. If someone can please help me I'd so much appreciate it. 

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Yes your anxiety has spawned an obsession.   The horrid thing about obsession is that no matter what diagnosis you are given,  your obsession disregards it and keeps up the mental thoughts and heightening fear.   The fact you fear the thoughts that are coming in is keeping this anxiety and obsession going.   The way to treat this is to try and not act upon these thoughts with fear.   Every time the though comes  aknowledge it but that's all.   This takes time and practice but it can be very beneficial. 

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I get up every day telling myself today I won't give in. But then I'll have the heat feeling or the stiffness and I feel sick to my stomach. I don't know why I think it's dvt. There's no swelling no redness not even much pain. Doctor said dvt is not even in the part of leg I'm having problems with. Thanks mark for always listening and trying to help

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i agree with Mark and everything he said... i struggle with this alot of the times too...believe me... and its not fun, restless nights... can't concentrate, keep ruminating about the same fear over and over again.... 

for me the only thing that has helped is being on my medication, but i don't want to use that as a crutch all my life.. its not easy as Mark said it takes persistence and determination.... so i guess its something we both need to work on :) 

hang in there...ONE DAY AT A TIME.... right ;) 


Edited by rainbow
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I totally get ur fear as I constantly check for a dvt/pe but only as I've already had it.i can only say to ease ur mind that a dvr is so damn painful u couldn't sleep.the cramp sensation becomes so intense u cant walk .I hve done so much research on them its unreal.they normally occure in the back of the calf and believe me the pain doesn't come n go ,its there 24/7 at the minute u r fixated on it so ur mind will take u to what u believe r symptoms.


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Busy bee I don't really even have pain. My knee hurts some on top. It's mainly stiffness from knee down to side of leg and that weird hot feeling only on inside not to touch. You have made me feel a little better.  The hot feeling goes away for days then comes back I've been having this for a month. So you really think im OK? And that for sure pain wouldn't come and go and would be severe?

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it really doesn't sound like a dvt to me as the pain wouldn't come and go like that .the pain comes and gets worse .i hve spent so much time researching all this as my dvt/pe is what triggered my anxiety and panic attacks

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It took about 3 days before it became unbearable.and to b honest If u had a clot in ur leg for a month u would know as they tend to travel in ur body with constant it is really really unlikely u could hve a clot in ur leg a month without other problems


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Yes I'm sure your right. I so hate this health anxiety. I want to be strong so bad. Thank you so much for your help!

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no anxiety never stops.there will always b the next symptoms of the latest medical problem we dream up !!

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That's it isn't it,  we dream up conditions based an misplaced ideas and half truths.  If only our minds would disregard them as nonsense and not act upon them.   That's HA for you. 

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I have the dvt fear also. I recently started taking the pill again and since I've been on it I've obsessed about dvt, even been and had a check for a sore leg, didimer test, ultra sound scan the works. I didn't have one. I'm Thinking about stopping the pill because I just cant stop obsessing, its wearing me out. I hate having health anxiety it really makes me angry, its one obsession after another, arrrrrrrrhhhhh!!!!! While scanning the internet tonight looking up if the pill was dangerous I came across an article about how it can contribute to ms, another major fear of mine so now I'm definitely sure I'm giving it up I just cant cope with all the fear. Feeling really low right now.

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Scanning the internet Tarn, you know that never works out well.  Huge amount of falsehoods on there.  The hate and anger, although understandable (who doesn't get fad up with HA right?) adds more adrenalin and feeds anxiety.  HA loves finding obsessions but obsession only works if you buy in to the obsession, it you react to the thoughts it churns out with fear and upset.  Reading stuff about ms is only going to inject more and more adrenalin, you really must not go near DR Google for any reason, speak to your pharmacist or Dr instead. Try to practice allowing the thoughts in without resistance or adding of fear, see them, hear what they are saying, but DONT react, stay calm.  You will find that the thought fades.  Lots of practice is needed but you can find the way to losing this fear of yours. :)

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Hi tarn. I am old enough to remember when 'the pill' first came in. It was regarded as a breakthrough for women as they did not have to rely on other methods. Ever since then there has been scares and all sorts of unfounded rumours about its use. There is no ESTABLISHED medical fact that it does any real harm. I my view its benefits far outweigh its possible drawbacks.  Any medication can be blamed for any disease. If you take Aspirin there is the risk of stomach disorder!

Everyone these days has opinions about everything and 90% of them don't know what they talking about. University students, to complete a thesis, will do research on something and it will come up on the news as a so called 'breakthrough'. You may not believe this but in my youth potatoes were said to be harmful by some groups of so called 'learned' medics. Keep well away from Dr. Google.  A VERY big mistake!

You are so vulnerable and open to suggestion.      Jon.

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thanks Jon and mark, this is so true I am so open to suggestion I can't even hear about a disease without checking my symptoms to see if I have any that match. It's exhausting! If my husband is watching something on the news and they start talking about a story of a young person being stricken down with an incurable disease, I find myself going to another room and putting my fingers on my ears and humming because I just can't bear to hear about it, I can't risk hearing anything that might make me think I might have it. It's so stupid. I don't want to think like this, and some days I feel ok and reason with myself quite well, other days not so well. One day at at time I suppose ?

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It's not stupid, tarn. Never say that. Health anxiety is a real problem and can cause so much heartache. I don't think avoidance is ever a good idea. It is only by facing and accepting we have a problem that it can be tackled.  I know it's hard but when an item of news comes up like that just listen to it without comment in your mind. Does a news item about a car crash have the same effect? Probably not because it's not a personal thing, but your chances  of being involved in a car accident are greater than getting some incurable disease. But then logic is well gone in HA.    It does pass, tarn, honest.     Jon. 

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hi tarn I was on the pill for 6 years and had no side effects whatsoever than my dumb specialist said some things and that scared me off it. and I will be honest I was reading the leaflet inside the pack that they have to include to cover their butt.  and the risks are low. my sister is on it and so is my good friend and they are both fine. bur tell that to us anxious people.☺

same with bad news can't watch it or read it anymore and when I do I try not to get too worked up. can't completely isolate ourselves from this world. 

just try to challenge your fears I know easier said than done. 

take care 

Edited by rainbow
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