
Binge eating

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I have had a binge eating disorder for most of my life but only very recently was officially diagnosed...i didn't even know such a diagnosis existed; i thought i was just out of control and it only happened to me.


i feel i am very much at the beginning of my 'recovery' and i am looking for some advice. i dont feel like i eat when i'm feeling down or stressed etc...maybe i do and i just don't realise. i do when im bored certainly. 


can anyone recommend some good helpful tips or some foods that they have found useful to help stopping them binge or something to snack on (besides just fruit and vegetables)



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Eating disorders are very complex and it is necessary to have support and treatment, especially if you have struggled for many years. You are definitely not alone! I have struggled for 15 years and have been inpatient and outpatient and still had tons of slips. It's all a process and it will be your own personal journey. I would suggest seeing a therapist who specifically specializes in eating disorders.

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Hi I'm new here and I'm in recovery from BED ,I'm doing this by myself and I started stop restricting and dieting.I started eat all I want when I want and at first I thought that I was get fat but could be able to balance my eating.I don't know how long has been but I stop my binge but still obsessed with food and with my body

Edited by jamille
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Hi Jamille, Welcome to Anxiety Central. This is a great support site, you'll meet people here going through similar issues xx

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