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hello , or maybe goodbye

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hmmm, what do you say when you dont want to speak, but you dont want to listen either,,?   


life sucks, it always had,.. 1 step froward 1 step back , 1 step sideways, it never gets any better


year after year, anytime something good happens it always fall through, something bad happens 


no one to cry on, nobody to hug, 


only a pillow for tears :(


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Just vent. If you feel the urge to say something but you don't know what, just let anything come out. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't need to make sense... just vent and I'll listen!

I certainly understand the 1 step forward, 1 step back scenario. My anxiety problems were exacerbated when I did a PhD. In research, it's often one step forward and TWO steps back. Everything is uncertain and you're under pressure to get things right. I'm facing another problem at the moment which just gets more and more complicated every time it moves to another stage.


Life is full of these complications, so you're not alone. People on these forums certainly know that, so you can always turn to us :)

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Hi Bria. What a good poem. I think the most significant line is that 'Fixing my problems starts with fixing me'. That, I believe is where it all starts and stops. ME! We sometimes blame the world or others for our problems, but it is how WE see things not how others see us that matters. In anxiety we are a microcosm of the world. We are in conflict with ourselves just as the world is.     Jon.

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