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I'm experiencing a bad bout of insomnia and have been for 2 weeks. I have always had problems sleeping and staying asleep but this is unbareable. I have barely been eating because my appetite is gone for some reason and i'm already underweight. I can't focus properly at college and my grades are going to fall.

My physician prescribed me a small dose of Ambien and i'm scared to take it because I read all these scarey possible side effects.

My living situation is crappy because I live with my dad, his gf and her children and I hate them all to put it bluntly. I'm close to my grandmother but I don't want to put a burden on her by moving in and I wouldn't be able to take my dog with me.

Sorry I went off topic but has anyone taken ambien or other sleeping pills and can offer me some advice?

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Sounds like you had a tuff time. It's normal to feel the way you are now and sometimes what you have to do is find something to take your mind off things . Maybe the circumstances you are in all the stress is keeping you up which when I used to live with all my daily it use to drive me crazy especially since I grew up in some bad neighborhoods which didn't help either. But sounds like you just need to find your own comfortable space and sounds like you could use a friend to talk to . You ever need someone who knows what your going through I'm Here for you not to sound cheesy ha.

My kik is workoutkid19

My Skype is workoutkid1993

Hope to here from you .

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Hi. Alexa. Welcome. Try not to be afraid to take pills. If you are not sleeping properly then you do need help. I know it is difficult to take tablets if you are afraid of side effects but not everyone gets them and it must be better to give it a try than to have no sleep. The pharmaceutical companies have to put all the side effects in their blurb to cover themselves, so don't be put off by them. Anyway, if you do have side effects you can always stop taking them. Most meds for anxiety are for short term use. They get you over a bad patch and give you a chance to think things through. Of course, your domestic situation is not helping. Relationships can be a nightmare when you have anxiety. You say "my grades are going to fall". Can you see that you have already set them to fall by laying the foundations for failure? How do you know they will fall? Can you possibly change your living conditions by moving? I would suppose you can't or you would have done so. Constant friction in a household is not good for anxiety. Sleep will come; nature has arranged that so don't despair. Come back whenever you want   Jon.

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Sleeping pills are not a good idea but not getting sleep is a worse idea. I would try to solve the issue that is causing the insomnia.

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Hi All and welcome to AC. Insomnia is a common symptom of anxiety. The mind goes round and round in circles and peace is difficult to come by. Mild sleeping pills can help and no one should be afraid to take them. You need to re-establish a sleep pattern and they can help to do that. Yes Bob, you are right. Insomnia is a symptom of some underlying problem which needs to be resolved. If it is a domestic issue then that has to be looked at. Hot drinks, teas and such  can help as they get the blood to flow away from the brain to the stomach making the brain less active. (Hopefully!). Anyway good to have you all with us. This is a very friendly site and I am sure you will find some help here as we all know how you feel.     John. 

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It is so strange to me that so many of the things that I feel and happen are so common and shared by almost everyone her. 

even stranger is this unified feeling of loneliness. 


When I was first prescribed Propranolol I was scared to take it as it triggered my panic. but much like Alexa this was due to reading the side effects. 


In the short term though the Beta Blockers helped but you should never take optional medication for too long as becoming dependent on anything external is a safety behavior and should be avoided. 

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Hi Boogle. Welcome to the AC Forum. I agree, to be on meds for too long can  become a habit and it true that it is a form of avoidance. But having said that in the short term, and particularly at the onset of anxiety, they can be very useful. The feeling of loneliness even when surrounded by people is a common symptom, and feeling isolated even when you know you are not alone in this illness is even more disconcerting. It is because we turn in on ourselves and the world around us seems unreal. It does pass as we improve.    Jon.

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I've had problems with staying asleep since a young age, now still have them. Its horrible actually. I have trouble falling asleep but also sometimes get nightmares or wake up at the middle of the night. Seen doctors about that...nothing really helps, so do not know what to do about that, tried pills, they work but just for the time, not a long term thing. Any advice?

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