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tablet anxiety

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ok so many of u know im petrified of taking tablets but I now feel its holding me back as I cant even take a diazepam or a pain killer lol

i suffer daily when i think it could be easier if i took something to help with this physical torture of health anxiety and the mental torture too

any tips?

thank u

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oh, my fear is they will kill me, harm me or give me more physical symptoms

or the fact that i don't really have health anxiety and theres something medically wrong with me

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with your anxiety is it immediately  after you take them or later in the night?


I used to have anxiety after taking my meds but after a couple weeks of anxiety it subsided, i found like most things to do with anxiety is repetition and you'l notice you'll be less anxious about it after a while of doing it.

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Holz, remember when you had your teeth done? You took meds and kicked ass and were fine. If you get side effects you can always stop taking the meds, and the side effects will go away. Not everyone gets them, I've known people who are scared to take them but when they do they have found they have helped so much, don't just judge on bad stories you hear, they help a LOT of people without any bad effects.


You can always come on chat when you take a pill so you aren't alone, others have done that before.

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Thank u mushy for been here for me guys very low at the moment and feel backed into a corner

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have you got anything that helps you take your mind off things? Video games do it for me

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It's pretty much a constant mind battle as I have physical symptoms 24/7 pAinting nails n walking my dog but I only got ten fingers and theres only so many times I can paint em haha

Work keeps me busy

Do u take meds?

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Well you could paint mervs nails,.that would kill a little bit more time. And if you tell your doc that paint mervs nails they will give you even stronger tablets you can not take :p

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I don't take meds. I understand that fear. Mine's not quite the same. I dont' really feel they will kill me. My mother's been on so many meds all of my life and has really ' failed to live' because of them, even though she breaths. I just don't want to be altered. I don't drink alcohol now or want any altering. I have to have a super bad headache for longer than a day before I will even take an OTC like tylenol. 

It's ok. You're n ot the only one. 

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Holz I have a big fear of taking any type of tablet... when i put it in my mouth i dont even let myself swallow it .. its like my body wont let me im that afraid :( .... im also scared of side effects too.... the only thing I could think you could do is put a tablet in some food? maybe.... or i try to get melt on your tongue ones.. i can take them and i usually have them with my favourite drink afterwards.... 

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