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Would anyone be able to give their own view/experience on depression...

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Hey Guys,


Hoping you can help...


Basically some of you may know already that I am making a book for teens as part of my final project at University. It is a story about a girl who is suffering with depression and through acceptance learns to understand depression and therefore learns steps towards recovery. 


As part of my research I was hoping to get some peoples perspectives and experiences who suffer with depression or have suffered before. I was wondering if anyone would want to help me out?


All it would require is a few lines of how depression can feel, what its like, things you struggle to do maybe and how it effects your life. It does not have to be in depth, can just be a view or a summary of how depression feels. Its just to show Iv gained a wide perspective in the matter and see how other people view 'Depression'.  I would be much appreciative of anyone wanting to share there thoughts with me.


It will be entered in my research book but you can remain anonymous of course, I do not need to write your name or age, unless you felt comfortable with it. 


If anyone could let me know, Ill leave my email here too, so it remains personal of course. If it would be ok I may also like to ask you a few questions but that can also be done by email as well. One of the things I am curious of is if people feel judged? if you feel there is support out there? 

As my main aim of the book is to raise awareness. The book title I am currently working on is going to be named 'JUDGE ME NOT, Lucy's Story'  as I do feel people still feel judged about suffering with this illness. 


My email is---  


Thanks Becca  :)

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I cannot help you on this one Bec, but I'm proud of you for soldiering on with your school work ! 

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I am very proud of you too becca! I have always scored low for depression when I have done those assessments, off the scale for anxiety though. So I can't help either, sorry. I completely agree, depression, and anxiety. I think everyone feels judged. Be it Society, family, friends. It's frustrating and sad.


You are doing so fantastic with your project, I sense very good things in your future, you have real talent and I absolutely love the illustrations you have done to go with the story, it just works, perfectly. 

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Hey becca I would be willing to give you my view on my experience with depression. I have sent you an e-mail.

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I wasnt sad Becca. Though im always confused, lol.

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I'm sure each person's individual internal experience with depression varies according to circumstances, causes, condition, chemistry and so on. For me as a borderline, my depression is compounded with horrible chronic emptiness, loneliness and despair, self-loathing and such. Decades ago when I was abusing cocaine, the depression was skull crushing agony. Intense physical pain. A living hell I will never forget. Like shards of broken glass rattling around in my brain. Just being conscious and thinking was pure torment. The kind of brutal emotional agony that makes a man beg for a swift merciful death. I'd be on my knees for hours in tears, begging god to take me away... until the toxins were finally out of my system and my serotonin levels restored.


I've been off my meds and drug free for several years now, and my current depression could be described as a dull nagging darkness which is difficult to put into words. An unpleasant mixture of deep sadness, sorrow, loneliness, emptiness, helplessness, and a constant sense of impending doom. Makes me want to hide under the covers, and lose myself in a fantasy world. Like climb inside a good movie and never come out. Just waking up and fixing breakfast or walking to the store can become quite the chore. Sorry I won't email this info, but you're welcome to quote my forum comments, or paraphrase if you prefer.

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