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I've been addicted to this now for a couple of years.Good story line, although this past year i feel like they've dragged on the whole heaven bit of things for too long. I like getting up in the morning and watching old reruns while i wake up. I like how in the episodes they always make referances to other movies, shows, characters in history that type of thing. I feel like each time i watch there is always something to google. Plus add in a bit of the paranormal stuff and i'm there!...and how could you not resist dean? =)

Anyone else watch this?

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Hi Morgan! I actually haven't seen some of the latest seasons, (I think I stopped at Five,) but I remember enjoying it very much! Maybe I should start back up again! I have a few more friends who watch it now too, though they're caught up with it. I also love all the mythology and stuff the show gets into, it's really great to see how they interpret different monsters and stuff!

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fcoll 9123 I Private Messaged you.

Gogoatgo, yes i love the mythology too! Like i said season 9 is getting a little complicated with all the heaven story lines they have going on but its still pretty good, i just hope they find a way to kind of get back into the basic story line but Seasons 4-6 were my favorite for sure!

Do you have a favorite episode that you can remember?

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Yeah, I remember the earlier seasons being more of a monster-a-day type deal, when they finally started kicking more into plot-related stuff about where I stopped, maybe earlier. I still enjoyed it though, I think the reason I stopped after a while was I became so busy! Maybe I can find some more extra time now.
My favorite episode is probably one a lot of people love, the one where they're stuck in a bunch of TV programs? It was pretty hilarious! I think that's the first episode I ever saw too, or at least it introduced me into the series. (I stayed up one night before I'd ever even heard of Supernatural, and that episode was on.) Though I appreciate the more intense episodes too!

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Love supernatural! I have watched it from the very beginning, Saturday nights used to be Smallville and Supernatural (miss smallville :( ) For me. The Winchester brothers sure are fine hehe, but it's much more than that, they have great chemistry and I like the humour too, oh and who can forget Castiel ! I don't know if I have a favourite episode I quite like the ones that are off beat and funny, the one they were in TV shows was defo a good one! I also liked the ones with Felicia Day in (Charlie) I think she was first in it season 7. 

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I loooooooooooooooved Supernatural. When it first aired I think I was 15 and thought it was super lame... and then years and years later I saw an episode on TV, didn't know it was Supernatural. It was the episode where Castiel is introduced... I was like omg this show seems so good what is it?! 

I got super into Supernatural and watched the first five seasons. It felt like the story was complete at that point to me. I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way but I don't think they ever really regained all the magic after that point. I know there have been a lot of great episodes since but I've never been able to get into again like I was. 

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