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I went for my annual skin check at my derm on Thursday.  She found a spot she wanted to biopsy. It was on my side and I guess I never really paid attention to it because I get skin checks annually and am always fine.  She took a pic of it and showed me.  It was jagged and brown with some black in the middle . I have to wait up to two weeks for results and I’m trying so hard not to freak out.  
has anyone had any melanoma scares before?  I’m HOPING that since I was clear last year, it won’t be too bad if it is melanoma, although I read it can spread pretty quickly.  

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Well, the only time to freak out would be if it is actually melanoma.  They would have go futher to see what spread and where.  

You have a time frame, so it shouldn't be that bad.  She only found one spot.  

They did a biopsy on a wart that formed on the tender part of the face between the eye and nose.  She cut it off and sent it away - I never heard from it again.

Did you have to use petroleum jelly and a Band-Aid to cover the spot for a while?


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My coworker had in-situ Melanoma years ago and is fine. My friend had Melanoma on his stomach years ago and is fine. I had basal cell carcinoma on my nose near my right eye and it was removed by a Mohs surgeon 14 years ago and I am OK. 

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On 2/19/2023 at 2:47 AM, Ironman said:

Well, the only time to freak out would be if it is actually melanoma.  They would have go futher to see what spread and where.  

You have a time frame, so it shouldn't be that bad.  She only found one spot.  

They did a biopsy on a wart that formed on the tender part of the face between the eye and nose.  She cut it off and sent it away - I never heard from it again.

Did you have to use petroleum jelly and a Band-Aid to cover the spot for a while?


Yes.  I’m still using the petroleum jelly and band aids.  Still obsessively checking the portal too lol 

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On 2/19/2023 at 2:47 AM, Ironman said:

Well, the only time to freak out would be if it is actually melanoma.  They would have go futher to see what spread and where.  

You have a time frame, so it shouldn't be that bad.  She only found one spot.  

They did a biopsy on a wart that formed on the tender part of the face between the eye and nose.  She cut it off and sent it away - I never heard from it again.

Did you have to use petroleum jelly and a Band-Aid to cover the spot for a while?



17 hours ago, MARC said:

My coworker had in-situ Melanoma years ago and is fine. My friend had Melanoma on his stomach years ago and is fine. I had basal cell carcinoma on my nose near my right eye and it was removed by a Mohs surgeon 14 years ago and I am OK. 

I’m hoping If mine is melanoma, it’s in-situ as well and hasn’t been spreading over the last year.  

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I remember when I had the basal cell carcinoma on my nose and my dermatologist first saw it he had a grimace on his face so he could never play poker as he would give his hand away. 

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I once had a large cauliflower weird growth on my ear that I went to a dermatologist for.  They were so puzzled by it that they had another doctor come in and look at it.  They removed it and sent it for biopsy.  It turned out to be nothing and it has never come back.  That was probably ten years ago.  Weird stuff that is not dangerous is very common.

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On 2/21/2023 at 11:13 AM, sTeaLth said:

I once had a large cauliflower weird growth on my ear that I went to a dermatologist for.  They were so puzzled by it that they had another doctor come in and look at it.  They removed it and sent it for biopsy.  It turned out to be nothing and it has never come back.  That was probably ten years ago.  Weird stuff that is not dangerous is very common.

Mine ended up not being cancer 😊

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