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Thrufaith finally got me

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Hi everyone so I was able to dodge Covid for the last 3 years, but the bitch finally got me. I am on day 12 of covid and overall I feel alright. I didnt get it too bad fever for 2 days a slight cough sore throat and a ppst nasal drip. I was actually doing pretty good not knowing I had Covid, but the minute I found out I had Covid my world turned upside down since then I swear I have developed pots because I feel shaky and short of breath and jittery and sometimes it feels like my heart is racing...mind you I have checked my O2 and its in the 95 to 98 range. I have gone to the doctors twice  and they have checked my lungs and all is good. I had a heart monitor and ekgs done back in May and all was fine. I know this is anxiety..right? I lost a dear friend to covid so knowing I had it instilled this fear that I could die and leave my kids behind like my dear friend did. I am afraid of long Covid....i am fully vaxxed and double boosted. Are the symptoms I am feeling of jitterness and heart racing and short of breath and the dlihht or fight feeling all anxiety? Or did I develop some type of POTs? I need help pls! Thank you! 

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I am not sure what POTs are.

It sounds like what you have is anxiety.


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POTS is a condition whereby when you stand or change posture, your heart races and you may get dizzy or feel faint. Your O2 is great at 95 to 98. I had COVID pretty bad October 1 of this year. It hit me out of the blue and I had a 102.4 temperature and had diarrhea. I lost 6 pounds in a couple of days as I was very weak and felt like there was a 600-pound elephant on my back. I was weak for around 2 weeks afterwards. Your symptoms seem like anxiety.  

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