
Feel like I constantly can't breathe

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Hi so about a month now I had covid, wasn't horrible no cough just super congested. 2 week after COVID I had a super bad panic attack just out of nowhere, I felt like I couldn't breathe and was super dizzy. No ever since I don't feel anxious but constantly feel like my chest is heavy or air hungry don't really know how to explain beside feeling short of breath and like I need to take deep breaths alot. Went to doc had chest xray and they said it all looks perfect but I still can't breathe and of course all I do all day is think about how I'm breathing and then make my self feel like the way I'm breathing isn't right... Help anyone know this feeling 

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Part of it could be anxiety, but it could be a part of Covid.  It sounds like you need to work on breathing if you feel that you are short of breath.  It might even require some exercise.  

As long as you no longer have Corona - it could just be a lingering after-effect.

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My physician has told me that when person is anxious they may not breath properly and they may feel they are not getting enough oxygen and this may cause more anxiety and physical symptoms such as dizziness, dry mouth, cough, etc. 

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Thanks y'all for the replies. I'm fine while sleeping it's just soon as I'm awake it's instantly thinking about it and seems worse when I'm up walking around. I'm so tired of having problems 

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5 hours ago, Nickdon321 said:

Thanks y'all for the replies. I'm fine while sleeping it's just soon as I'm awake it's instantly thinking about it and seems worse when I'm up walking around. I'm so tired of having problems 

It's actually a panic attack that wakes us up out of deep sleep.  You are likely thinking about that - the rapid heartbeat and anxiety from that can cause fears of lack of oxygen.

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Just got back from ER and had all kinds of blood work done and found out I'm positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia now I'm really freaked out 

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I looked it up and the prognosis is good. 

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21 hours ago, Nickdon321 said:

Just got back from ER and had all kinds of blood work done and found out I'm positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia now I'm really freaked out 

Walking pneumonia?  It just means you have a bacteria in your lungs that antibiotics can heal.  Somebody had the bacteria and you came in contact with it.  

It's not the worst're going to live.  Worst case scenario is you'd have to go to the hospital, but they'll know how to handle it.  You would already be at the hospital if taht were true.

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On 10/31/2022 at 2:37 PM, Ironman said:

Walking pneumonia?  It just means you have a bacteria in your lungs that antibiotics can heal.  Somebody had the bacteria and you came in contact with it.  

It's not the worst're going to live.  Worst case scenario is you'd have to go to the hospital, but they'll know how to handle it.  You would already be at the hospital if taht were true.

It's so strange though I have absolutely no symptoms expect a feeling of a heavy chest and like I have to make my self breathe. No cough, fever, congestion, nothing. It's been 3 days now on azithromycin 500mg and still feel the same. I'm tired of something always gotta be wrong 


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15 minutes ago, Nickdon321 said:

It's so strange though I have absolutely no symptoms expect a feeling of a heavy chest and like I have to make my self breathe. No cough, fever, congestion, nothing. It's been 3 days now on azithromycin 500mg and still feel the same. I'm tired of something always gotta be wrong 


Pneumonia isn't necessarily phlegmatic.  It's like bronchitis, but further down in the lungs.  The antibiotics will eventually get the bacteria.  

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On 10/31/2022 at 2:37 PM, Ironman said:

Walking pneumonia?  It just means you have a bacteria in your lungs that antibiotics can heal.  Somebody had the bacteria and you came in contact with it.  

It's not the worst're going to live.  Worst case scenario is you'd have to go to the hospital, but they'll know how to handle it.  You would already be at the hospital if taht were true.

Well today is the last day on azithromycin for 5 days for walking pneumonia that I didn't realize I had. But still feel like I can't breathe not sure if if I can't or just can't breathe right when sitting down it's not to bad just have to catch my breathe a few times but when I stand up and get to moving I feel like my stomach is full and heavy and yes I do have a beer belly. It almost feels like if you inhale smoke from a bonfire sensation but it's all the time nothing is getting better x-rays clear and they say lungs sound great, blood work was done for everything under the sun, wbc was a little high and total protein was high also but I was on methopredisone and do have pneumonia so he said that explains the blood work, I'm at a lose and so tired of feeling like this when I stand up I also read it could be hourglass syndrome cause I do always have my upper stomach tightened up. I don't know I'm so scared it's a tumor or cancer causing this mess... Sorry for the long post 

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3 hours ago, Nickdon321 said:

Well today is the last day on azithromycin for 5 days for walking pneumonia that I didn't realize I had. But still feel like I can't breathe not sure if if I can't or just can't breathe right when sitting down it's not to bad just have to catch my breathe a few times but when I stand up and get to moving I feel like my stomach is full and heavy and yes I do have a beer belly. It almost feels like if you inhale smoke from a bonfire sensation but it's all the time nothing is getting better x-rays clear and they say lungs sound great, blood work was done for everything under the sun, wbc was a little high and total protein was high also but I was on methopredisone and do have pneumonia so he said that explains the blood work, I'm at a lose and so tired of feeling like this when I stand up I also read it could be hourglass syndrome cause I do always have my upper stomach tightened up. I don't know I'm so scared it's a tumor or cancer causing this mess... Sorry for the long post 

It's not cancer or a tumor.  They would have seen it during the tests.  The breathing may be partly the leftover - although it would be nice to be over walking pneumonia in five days, it is still kicking in.  Beyond that, anxiety can cause the shallow breathing.  You kind of have to do both extremes - walking to get thr breathing going and taking deep breaths while at rest.

It's not completely the same, but my mother had pre-congestive heart failure symptoms - her inactivity caused bloating to the point she had trouble breathing and had 78% oxygen.  I took her to the hospital where she was in for ten days and urinated 8 gallons for 78 pounds.  Well, with that kind of weight loss so fast, she had to do therapy and use a respirometer to build her lung capacity.

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16 minutes ago, Ironman said:

It's not cancer or a tumor.  They would have seen it during the tests.  The breathing may be partly the leftover - although it would be nice to be over walking pneumonia in five days, it is still kicking in.  Beyond that, anxiety can cause the shallow breathing.  You kind of have to do both extremes - walking to get thr breathing going and taking deep breaths while at rest.

It's not completely the same, but my mother had pre-congestive heart failure symptoms - her inactivity caused bloating to the point she had trouble breathing and had 78% oxygen.  I took her to the hospital where she was in for ten days and urinated 8 gallons for 78 pounds.  Well, with that kind of weight loss so fast, she had to do therapy and use a respirometer to build her lung capacity.

Sorry to hear that hope she's ok now... This breathing stuff just feels strange to me 

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2 minutes ago, Nickdon321 said:

Sorry to hear that hope she's ok now... This breathing stuff just feels strange to me 

Oh yeah - that was 2018.  

In 2022, she was stuck in the house and had to go on oxygen in April at "times of exertion".  Well, I wasn't having any of that so I got her to walk around a bit with me.  

She got off the oxygen by June, and then got Corona in August.  She was in bed for three days and then back up and about - no oxygen needed.

It's going to feel weird, but the capacity will come back.

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3 minutes ago, Ironman said:

Oh yeah - that was 2018.  

In 2022, she was stuck in the house and had to go on oxygen in April at "times of exertion".  Well, I wasn't having any of that so I got her to walk around a bit with me.  

She got off the oxygen by June, and then got Corona in August.  She was in bed for three days and then back up and about - no oxygen needed.

It's going to feel weird, but the capacity will come back.

Thanks it's a smothering sensation like I'm standing in smoke plus is doesn't help my noses is always stuffed up so that makes me have to breathe harder or through my mouth 

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Just now, Nickdon321 said:

Thanks it's a smothering sensation like I'm standing in smoke plus is doesn't help my noses is always stuffed up so that makes me have to breathe harder or through my mouth 

That will likely clear out and help improve your breathing.

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On 11/3/2022 at 7:10 PM, Ironman said:

That will likely clear out and help improve your breathing.

Ok so yesterday was a decent day except for all the tornado clean up... But today I was good till I at lunch then this breathing crap hit me and constant again ever since the feeling is like there's something stuck in my lower throat, and a slight stuffy nose, then the feeling like I forgot how to breathe right cause my throat feels constricted slightly then the fear sets in and it's worse when standing and walking around there's no way this is the pneumonia that should have been gone by now I'm at a lose x-rays show clear really sucks can't enjoy life for the past month 



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2 hours ago, Nickdon321 said:

Ok so yesterday was a decent day except for all the tornado clean up... But today I was good till I at lunch then this breathing crap hit me and constant again ever since the feeling is like there's something stuck in my lower throat, and a slight stuffy nose, then the feeling like I forgot how to breathe right cause my throat feels constricted slightly then the fear sets in and it's worse when standing and walking around there's no way this is the pneumonia that should have been gone by now I'm at a lose x-rays show clear really sucks can't enjoy life for the past month 



I kinda wonder if there is an allergy in there with the anxiety.  You were also going through the stress of the post-tornado and irritations from the air.  

There is a lot going on here, and you are still recovering, so I would trust you have been told.  If you have to contact the doctor who gave you the antibiotics to let him know you might need to see him again, then that would be good - hopefully not expensive.

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5 minutes ago, Ironman said:

I kinda wonder if there is an allergy in there with the anxiety.  You were also going through the stress of the post-tornado and irritations from the air.  

There is a lot going on here, and you are still recovering, so I would trust you have been told.  If you have to contact the doctor who gave you the antibiotics to let him know you might need to see him again, then that would be good - hopefully not expensive.

Yes I went back Friday and got a kenalog40 shot and he said give it a couple weeks but damn I don't know if it's getting better or worse 

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1 hour ago, Nickdon321 said:

Yes I went back Friday and got a kenalog40 shot and he said give it a couple weeks but damn I don't know if it's getting better or worse 

Based on what you said, it was okay Friday, but then you were out in the allergens.  There is a LOT of microparticles going on outside.

I would bet being out there was a bit early....too soon after getting the shot.  If you do go out, I would (Corona PTSD) "wear a mask" and see if it filters the air.  Otherwise, I'd probably stay in and away from the irritants for a day and see what happens.

It would be similar to a not-so-great air quality day in the summer.  People with respiratory issues are usually cautioned to stay inside.  Given that you are just coming out of walking pneumonia, you have to still be careful this early.

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9 hours ago, Ironman said:

Based on what you said, it was okay Friday, but then you were out in the allergens.  There is a LOT of microparticles going on outside.

I would bet being out there was a bit early....too soon after getting the shot.  If you do go out, I would (Corona PTSD) "wear a mask" and see if it filters the air.  Otherwise, I'd probably stay in and away from the irritants for a day and see what happens.

It would be similar to a not-so-great air quality day in the summer.  People with respiratory issues are usually cautioned to stay inside.  Given that you are just coming out of walking pneumonia, you have to still be careful this early.

Right I should mask up, but what I can't figure out is when I sleep I'm fine till I get out of bed then it all hits me again, I'm sure my anxiety has a lot to do with it but I don't know I don't feel anxious 

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5 hours ago, Nickdon321 said:

Right I should mask up, but what I can't figure out is when I sleep I'm fine till I get out of bed then it all hits me again, I'm sure my anxiety has a lot to do with it but I don't know I don't feel anxious 

We likely have a more relaxed pattern of breathing when we sleep - we wake up with a panic attack, literally, and then breathing is all over the place.

The masking would only be until you're over the pneumonia enough.  

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:48 PM, Ironman said:

We likely have a more relaxed pattern of breathing when we sleep - we wake up with a panic attack, literally, and then breathing is all over the place.

The masking would only be until you're over the pneumonia enough.  

So been googling again and stumbled on throat cancer so now I'm really freaked out 

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7 minutes ago, Nickdon321 said:

So been googling again and stumbled on throat cancer so now I'm really freaked out 

Nope - not throat cancer.  There would be a lot more going on with the body if that was the case.

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