
Freaked out after cleaning out large birds nest

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Hey folks.  So, my wife and I are getting ready to sell our home.  We've got an inspection lined up for next week.  Way back before Christmas, we checked something up in our attic (where we never go) and noticed a large mound of hay way in the back.  We knew we had to get that cleaned up, whatever the cause, before next week.

Yesterday, I put on an N95 respirator mask, safety goggles, one of those full-body coverall suits with the hood (like you see painters use), two sets of thick gloves, and booties.  I was in the attic for roughly 20 minutes.  I ended up pulling two of those huge black contractors bags full of hay out of there.  At no point did I see any bird droppings, nor signs that the nest was actively being used.  

But, in the midst of doing that, I had a full-blown panic attack.  In the dark, with only my flashlight on to show me all the shit that was flying up off that nest, I had the terrible thought of, "What if I didn't get my mask sealed tightly enough?"  Cue freakout.  I got out of there and immediately took a super long, hot shower.

Today I feel okay.  I've got a slight tickle in my throat, but that could very well be allergies.  The idea of something like histoplasmosis freaks me out a bit, but Dr. Google says it's usually pretty mild.  I'm more concerned with getting some of the more obscure shit, like the stuff that causes brain swelling.  If I get brain damage from cleaning out a bird's nest, I am going to be pissed.

Do you guys think I have anything to worry about?  Do you have experience with stuff like this?


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No worries. You are in good shape. 

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Nothing to worry about, IMO. I've picked up bird nests with my bare hands many times over the years. I've also accidentally touched bird poo more times than I can count. I just wash my hands afterward. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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