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Hello!  I would love to get some advice.  When I was ages 8 - 16, I had horrible anxiety stomachaches and nausea (doctor prescribed Zantac). In my 20s, I would get migraines...only nausea when I traveled.  I went to a therapist about 5 years ago who diagnosed anxiety/GAD.  I consider myself a happy and upbeat person, but I struggle with feeling restless, feeling "sped up" all the time, easily overwhelmed.  I've had a binge eating issue since elementary school so the 'sped up' feeling frequently manifests in binges.  It's especially bad during PMS time, when I feel so 'sped up' and jittery that I can't sleep and am constantly eating.  My weight has yo-yo'd by 100 pounds multiple times since elementary school and I'm over it.  I feel like my sped-up brain is hamstringing my efforts toward a healthy weight.

I finally went to my doctor, who prescribed Prozac.  I had a terrible reaction to it (swelling joints for 6 weeks).  Then she prescribed Phentermine, which is perfect - it makes me feel calm and in control.  But it's only a 3 month Rx and she can't renew (says that it's bad for blood pressure).  She has just prescribed Effexor, but I've read horror stories about it, and after my miserable Prozac reaction, I'm really anxious - ha! - about taking it.  

Any thoughts?

Any coping mechanisms for that "sped up" feeling?  Or do I really need to resign myself to meds?

Thanks so much!  

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Hey JaneGrey, Thanks for sharing.. I can relate to having tried different medications over the years and experiencing some horrible side effects and I'm sorry this has been your experience too. Some of what you're going through sounds really tough. I know for me personally it has been a trial and error type scenario to finding the right medication.... which took time (im still not there yet) . However my suggestion would be to not give up work alongside your doctor and eventually you should find the right medication for you to help make things more manageable. I find exercise and hydration really helps just on the general day to day basis with any form of mental health issue. As for the do i really need meds part.. you know yourself better than anyone I'd encourage you to keep moving forward and not give up... its a question only you can answer and if you choose to continue on the path of meds i would suggest speaking to your doctor about finding medication that can be more than just a one off script.

 All the best, LX

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I was just talking with my husband about this!  I'm avoiding the gym because of Covid...pretty lackluster at-home exercise.  I'm going to try to be more disciplined.  My husband is encouraging me to meet with a psychiatrist for a definitive diagnosis (autism has also been tossed around as a possible component)...someone who might have more experience in this area than my GP and be able to prescribe anything that I might need.  I think I'm going to try to get something set up soon!

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I agree with your husband that a psychiatrist may be your best course of action. 

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I think that's a great idea, specialist care is important GP's are for general heath and anything else needs to be referred on to someone who knows exactly what they're talking about. Best of luck. Feel free to drop me a message if you ever need support or someone to chat to.

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Thank you so much!  Now the challenge will be figuring out insurance and making an appointment during this Covid outbreak...we're in a hot spot...but hopefully I can manage something soon!

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