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ALS hypochondrias

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Hi all,

 I Am a 18yo male who are suffering from Cerebral Palsy since young. Recently I dropped into the fear of ALS.

 I have been noticing a localized twitch in my left thigh for about 3months. Before the twitch began I had a major stressful period of college applications. At the same time I noticed some perceived weaknesses (call it perceived because My parents have not really see any problem with my muscle besides the twitch ). It's impossible to test my reflexes because with the CP condition. My reflexes are naturally abnormal 

the twitch is on the scale of entire thigh muscle and NOT just part of it. When I twitch the entire muscle will visibly contract and sometimes strong enough to move my leg for a centimeter or two. The intervals of each twitch is anywhere between 5-60 seconds .

 The strange part is that the twitch is postural. I will twitch Only if I am sitting in my wheelchair, lying flat on the bed (with leg un- Crossed) and lying on my belly. Movement of leg muscle such as crawling, walking, or even standing and kneeling would not trigger the twitch, it doesn't interfere with sleep either. 
I do have muscle shrinks in both of my lower legs. But it's probably due to lack of exercise during the pandemic time...

My question is whether twitch in ALS could be eased by movement? Am I safe from ALS for twitch 3 months without any weaknesses? Thanks 

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You don't have als. Not at all. You can relax. I had the ALS fear a few years ago and my worry was my left thigh. It twitched and buzzed for months. Mine was only at rest as well. I had perceived weakness too. Mine was triggered by anxiety... And it was from anxiety and anxiety only. Stress, and anxiety and over use is what causes twitches. Twitches in als are completely different. They twitch after muscle loss and death... So you are going to have significant symptoms by that point, which you absolutely do not have. 

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Thanks so much!!! I also have a sore muscle from the twitch as well... think it rules out ALS... but at times the irrational side would take over me... as I said I am in the process of college applications and I have tremendous anxiety. I don't think I can completely get rid of the hypochondria in short time but at least I understand that ALS twitch has a completely different mechanism 

Got one more question as of now: my leg still twitch when I am not that anxious ... or maybe I am still anxious but I don't Know I am? But whenever I am happier I twitch less


Edited by Hell

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Twitching can be caused by stress. A number of years ago my daughter was in college taking final exams when she developed a terrible eye twitch. It was so bad that we could see it twitch. Once her exams were over the twitch stopped. 

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Also I am informed that ALS twitch is a fine twitch? Not a coarse one?

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I have had this scare and baaaaddd! U dont have als i promise. Join the about bfs facebook group, such great help specifically for that fear!

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The aboutbfs website has so many contradictory opinions on it... 

I just want to know whether my coarse twitch is due to ALS or not... geez I am close to having a mental breakdown 

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5 hours ago, Hell said:

The aboutbfs website has so many contradictory opinions on it... 

I just want to know whether my coarse twitch is due to ALS or not... geez I am close to having a mental breakdown 

You don't have als. It's pretty clear that ALS patients twitch AFTER muscle death and loss which equals paralysis..  you have absolutely none of that. You seriously have to let this worry go .  You twitch.  So what. So many people twitch it means nothing. I didn't stop twitching for a week after my anxiety lessoned. You are anxious and you are waiting for the twitch.. just let the worry go and they will leave too. 

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I am in therapy. It helps. My anxiety manifests in different ways so I like to have tools to get through it. Hugs. 

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