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Ovarian Cancer Worries

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Hi everyone. I am 32 years old. Turning 33 in September. 

About 4 days ago I noticed that my lower left pelvic area had a slight sharp yet dull pain, sometimes my low back hurts, and I've had slight bloating. I'm not due for my period for a few weeks, so I know it's not PMS. I started freaking out and worrying about ovarian cancer. Yesterday I had a transvaginal ultrasound and when they pressed on my ovaries to look at them, both of them had sharp pains and we're really hurting. I am freaking out to say the least. I won't get my results until Monday, so this weekend of waiting is going to be hell.

I'm so scared that they are going to find something. What are the odds that it is cancer? If it is just a cyst(s) would I have to undergo surgery to confirm that or can they see it on my ultrasound. Please help. My weekend is already ruined over this.

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Ultrasounds aren't diagnostic in every case but they give you an idea of what you're dealing with.  It'll be able to tell if you need more detailed imaging done.  

The ultrasound will show whether the cyst is solid, liquid-filled or a combination.  It'll show how thick the walls of the cyst is.  It'll show whether it has one chamber or if it's septated into multiple areas, and the thickness and pattern of those septations.  Depending on the type of ultrasound, you may know whether or not there are blood vessels feeding it.  

Unless it's a simple cyst (basically a water balloon type structure) they may not feel comfortable diagnosing what you have based on an ultrasound alone and may recommend further testing.  There are multiple types of benign cysts that are complex but generally not harmful, such as endometriomas, cystadenomas and teratomas.  They're more common than ovarian cancer.  Normal functional cysts are so common as to be boring.  In someone who's still menstruating, the odds are heavily against cancer.  Unless it's huge they likely won't recommend anything besides waiting to see if it goes away on its own.  They may suggest birth control if it's a regular cyst and the symptoms are making you miserable.  They may want to have you back in three or six months to monitor potential growth.  

I've gone through my own scares with this, then with my mother, and now am doing it again with my SO.  I get how scary the thought is.  If the results show a complex cyst, my best advice is TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR.  Don't just get the results and run off to Google.  Go over everything that you don't fully understand.  Ask "What makes you think it's _____ instead of  _____?"  "Why is ____ the correct next step to take?"  Everything you might google, just ask your doctor instead.  I've gone over lab reports line by line at times saying "And what does this mean?  What's its significance?" like a broken record.   You may not want to get that far in depth, but whatever you do want to know, ask.   

...and if you're in the New York City area and need a recommendation or ten for a good doctor, I've got a list a mile long at this point!  

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Cysts are super super common in women your age. If you are 2 ish weeks away from your period it might also just be ovulation, which occurs roughly two weeks before your menstruate. Lots of women feel pain and discomfort around that time. It is entirely possible that due to your anxious state you are more in tune with your body and are noticing things that have always been there and you just weren't paying attention. 

Here's a thing to know about cancer, pain is rarely the main symptom. 

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Otten is right, pain is rarely ever the main symptom of cancer. Take it from a fellow cancer survivor (that's me by the way).

I would think that you are just more in tune with your body and you are just feeling every little thing your body is producing.

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14 hours ago, Ms.Honey said:

@LynetteSweetie Did you get your results?


Thank you to everyone who gave such helpful responses. And thank you Ms. Honey for asking about my results. I got back my results and they were normal. I'm still having the pain slightly and now I'm having back pain. So I've moved on to worrying about other conditions. Sigh 😞

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On 7/31/2019 at 8:47 AM, LynetteSweetie said:

Thank you to everyone who gave such helpful responses. And thank you Ms. Honey for asking about my results. I got back my results and they were normal. I'm still having the pain slightly and now I'm having back pain. So I've moved on to worrying about other conditions. Sigh 😞

I'm in the same boat, I'm sorry- I hope you can get some relief.. try not to let your anxiety take over, I'm trying to be ok with not having a diagnosis for my pain and other weird persistent symptoms. Maybe just a "normal" hormonal issue? :(


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