
Sneezing = Vein burst.. ugh.

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So. Here goes my anxiety and irrational fears again. And with therapy tomorrow. Great timing. I've been sneezing a lot lately. Like, a lot. I don't know if its around my house or something or another. But I have. And some runny nose, mucus. Typical stuff of allergies. 

My mind is telling me that I have an upper respiratory and it'll turn into that girl in Flordias story. Less than 2 hours and the infection will take over and.. stuff. But not on that fear right now. I have too many. 

My latest irrational is that because of all of my sneezing, pressure is building and my veins in my neck are becoming weakened. Therefore eventually if I sneeze hard enough, a vein in my neck will burst, of course an important one, and I'll bleed out and not even know it. Because the biggest fear is internal bleeding. I know it's probably not even possible. Not for me. Just like getting struck by lightning or being in a plane crash or getting poisoned. Yet I still fear it. Sitting here now. I stopped doing something I love to focus on this. 

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I sneeze quite hard and I read any risk you may have is trying to hold back the sneeze instead of letting it out. 

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I have the same fear. One of many. And I’ve been told repeatedly it’s ultra rare for a young person to even experience that. And I’ve been told, just like what Marc said, it’s more dangerous to hold it in.

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This is impossible. your veins are elastic and it will not burst with something like letting out a  sneez..  it's not possible. it is possible to pop small veins when you HOLD a sneeze. but even this will cause a cute freckle-like spots on your face and is completely  harmless. so sneeze away!

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According to Web MD, holding a sneeze in by pinching your nostrils shut and closing your mouth, can lead to very rare, but serious consequences, such as damaging your throat, ears, etc. 

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