
Please help, headaches, can this all be anxiety?

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Yesterday I had another breakdown and went to the ER. Second in a week. They ran blood tests, tested urine, did a scan of my chest for heart and lung health everything came back negative. I had a bit of headache last night from crying that went away. I slept fine, I woke up this morning when to psych urgent care and got some meds to hold me over i was fine. When I got home I was a little stressed from a fight but I was fine ate a burrito and the pounding in the  back of my head started and I immediately jumped to brain tumor wondering why this woman didnt scan me for one, so sure the doctor is wrong and just wanted me gone. Had full on freak out the banging sounds like my heartbeat but in the  back of my head. I'm so scared I want to control this but I never can. I have a psych evaluation set up and I've been given hydralazine and abilify. I'm just so lost I dont know why this is all happening. Muscle twitches all over are worse now. Can this really all be from anxiety? 

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Can this really all be from anxiety? 

Now listen carefully. YES IT CAN, VERY MUCH SO. You are obviously not experienced yet in the effects anxiety can have on the body. Anxiety can mimic any known disease . It can you know. I know it takes some believing. Ancient man, in his desire for self preservation, allowed his body to develop warning signs and symptoms of danger. Now when faced with a big hairy Mammoth or a Sabre Toothed Tiger you needed to run pretty fast. He was in an anxiety state so his body reacted as it should when danger threatens. He panted to get rid of excess oxygen; he no doubt dashed to whatever toilet they used then to lose weight; his heart rate speeded up to allow more blood to flow and so make it easier to run. His head may have ached to keep him alert, his mouth wet dry with fear, and he began to sweat. Now if you notice all his symptoms relate to fear. Fear is always at the root of anxiety. Symptoms in anxiety are a PERFECTLY NATURAL REACTION TO FEAR. Your mind senses danger. 'Oh my gosh, I wonder what it is?' 'What ifs' come thick and fast. The brain, being a loyal servant of the mind, takes over and prepares you for fight or flight. To face and fight a Tiger would be foolish, so ancient man ran like hell.

We can't run or fight in modern society; well we could but you can imagine what would happen. Aggressive people are always fearful people. Something in their lives has put them on the defensive. Passive people usually bottle up their emotions which is not good. So when we can't run or fight we turn all that fear energy into ourselves and lay the groundwork for anxiety. The secret is to let the feelings come. Confront them but don't give them any credence beyond their meaning. Don't try to avoid them. Face them square on with acceptance and see them for what they are. Thoughts in a tired mind.

The story of the man who ran away from a Tiger relates to this. He ran and ran until, exhausted, he turned and faced the Tiger which began to shrink and then scuttled into the corner like a frightened mouse. Face and accept is the key. Don't run away in fear, that just perpetuates the problem. It's not easy to accept when you feel bad and I am in no way minimising your fears, but given the will and perseverance it can be done.

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I found out I had a food allergy that were causing my muscle twitches, because when I stopped eating it, my symptoms lessened and so did the anxiety. Anxiety was a symptom of that food allergy. And you can develop a food allergy at any age. When you exhaust all resources to find out what is wrong with you, ask this to check you for allergies. 3 weeks ago I was considering recording goodbye messages for my family. I mean I’m always gonna have health anxiety but truth is, a majority of the time things can be explained by something minor that doctors often overlook.

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I agree. Allergies can cause problems as can any REAL illnesses. My post was about imaginary illnesses and I always qualify my remarks by saying that it's essential to see your doctor to rule out any possible medical problems. Once that's done then you can get on with helping yourself. I don't agree that you will always have health anxiety. Once that notion gets stuck in your mind then you may well go on with it. There are many ways to go for self help but acceptance is beneficial. By accepting and not fighting you lower the amount of adrenaline that your body takes up in fear. It gives you the chance to look at your lifestyle and find reasons for your anxiety. There is always a cause. It may be hidden but it's there. Best wishes.

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Indeed it can, and very possibly is, but also keep in mind that headache is a really common side effect for a lot of psych meds.  

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On 1/26/2019 at 5:14 PM, Solafide3 said:

I found out I had a food allergy that were causing my muscle twitches, because when I stopped eating it, my symptoms lessened and so did the anxiety. Anxiety was a symptom of that food allergy. And you can develop a food allergy at any age. When you exhaust all resources to find out what is wrong with you, ask this to check you for allergies. 3 weeks ago I was considering recording goodbye messages for my family. I mean I’m always gonna have health anxiety but truth is, a majority of the time things can be explained by something minor that doctors often overlook.

I am glad you found out what it was.. I am on the same boat trying to figure out if I have allergies I have been congested (sinuses and ears) for 3 months and it's driving me crazy. 

What kid of test the doctor run for you? what are you allergic to? They did the skin prickle test and I was positive for a bunch of trees and dogs, I got a cat a few months ago and that's when my symptoms started but I tested negative for cat. Next appointment I will demand a food allergy test. Can I please have more info about your allergies and tests? thanks!

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