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Everything posted by Wonky

  1. I'm interested to know how many of us would want to know if our therapists are survivors, and I'm also interested in the intersection of gender about whether we want to know or not.
  2. Australian College of Applied Psychology investigating how childhood trauma influences how people regulate their emotions, and how dark triad personality develops. https://acap.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4OfsdIps4UsXvrU?fbclid=IwAR2QB7vKR0R4KyuQMumdohYSUjwYUdT96b-nHEcCbX2Du0fSeN9dc6fZIfY&jfefe=new
  3. This study's purpose is to hear client experiences around power, with the hope of improving how mental health counselors support clients with histories of trauma. Eligible participants: Are adult (18+) women (cisgender or transgender) Are currently meeting with a counselor for individual outpatient mental health counseling or have met with a counselor in the past year for two or more sessions. Receive or received counseling within the United States Have past experience (prior to counseling) with interpersonal trauma (We define interpersonal trauma as previous experience with harm from another person, including but not limited to: emotional abuse or neglect, physical abuse or neglect, sexual abuse, or discrimination.) Are proficient with English language to participate in interview (read, speak, & write in English) Are comfortable participating in an audio-recorded interview Participants will receive a $25 gift card to their choice of Amazon, Target, or Walmart once they have completed the interview. This study is fully voluntary. Participation includes discussing your experience with power during the counseling process. You will not be asked to disclose or share about your experience with trauma. This study is IRB-approved (KSU-#323) dissertation research.Participation in the study includes reviewing the Informed Consent, completing a demographics survey, and meeting with a researcher for a 30-60 minute interview. The total time commitment is 60-90 minutes.If you’re interested, you can complete our screening questionnaire here to begin the process (https://kent.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ddu5QkJn6Wn4sYu) If you would like additional information about this study, please contact me at ldunson1@kent.edu. You can also reach the Kent State University IRB at: 330-672-2704 *Note our website does not profit from searching research trials/ articles etc
  4. How to meditate from the Heart Whatever your personal situation right now, meditation can help you to feel greater calm and inner peace. Instead of using your outer will to transform your life, meditation helps you to access your "inner voice" or guide. I like to refer to this 'inner voice" as your Heart. Your Heart knows what's correct for you, but its voice is often drowned out by the confusion reigning in the mind. Meditation helps quieten the mind so you can listen to your Heart. By listening to our Heart we can experience greater peace and better health which in turn bring us more fulfilled and balanced lives. How to get started... On this site you'll find a growing collection of free guided audio meditations and visualizations drawing upon traditional and modern meditation techniques. Most of the meditations are recorded as audio files so you can sit back, relax and listen to them right here on the site. There are meditations for beginners and ones for more experienced meditators. These meditations are designed to encourage you to feel nurtured and nourished, to help you to heal and revitalize, and to guide you to find inner peace and calm in body, mind and spirit. I hope this website becomes your personal meditation retreat where you can feel "at home". A home where you can come to let go of stress and tension whenever you need to. A haven where you can change negative beliefs about yourself into positive uplifting beliefs that will benefit you in everyway. In doing so no matter what meditation style you choose, you have endless possibilities to feel good, to feel inner joy, to just know that your world is right for you. https://www.fragrantheart.com/cms/free-audio-meditations
  5. Have you been struggling with anxiety symptoms? The Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders at the University of Texas at Austin is conducting an intervention study examining how three interventions may be helpful in reducing anxiety symptoms among individuals with anxiety or trauma-related disorders. Participants will be required to come to UT Austin’s campus. Participants who complete all study requirements will be eligible to receive $50 in compensation. To determine if you’re eligible for this study, you must first complete a web-based evaluation at the following link: https://telchpsy.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3OQQGkHQAKE6KMK. If you have questions, you can email us at utinterventionstudy@gmail.com. A complete description of the study can be found at https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05427708. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Texas STUDY00002306. Organization University of Texas Principal Investigator Cate Fischer, MA Eligibility Criteria 1. Clinically elevated anxiety 2. Meets DSM-5 criteria for one or more of the following anxiety or trauma-related disorders as their “primary” mental disorder: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Health Anxiety Agoraphobia Social Anxiety Disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Acute Stress Disorder Adjustment Disorder with primary anxious mood Anxiety Disorder not otherwise specified 3. No current use of psychotropic medications or stable on current medications for at least 6 weeks 4. Age 18+ 5. Able to arrange transportation to our laboratory for study appointments 6. English speaking Exclusion Criteria 1. No history of medical conditions that would contraindicate participation in fear-provocation or respiratory challenges, including: Cardiovascular or respiratory disorders Uncontrolled high blood pressure Epilepsy Strokes Seizures Pregnant or lactating 2. Not currently receiving other psychological treatment for anxiety. 3. No history of a suicide attempt within the past 6 months. 4. No history of psychosis within the past 6 months. 5. No history of moderate to severe alcohol or substance use disorder (with the exception of nicotine) within the past 3 months. 6. Does not endorse COVID-19 symptoms during the screening phase. Contact utinterventionstudy@gmail.com Location Austin, Texas State TX Website https://telchpsy.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3OQQGkHQAKE6KMK Study End Date May 31, 2025
  6. Baylor College of Medicine and the University of North Carolina would like to present the Latin American Trans-Ancestry Initiative for OCD Genomics, or LATINO. Led by Drs. James Crowley and Eric Storch, this new study seeks to collect the world’s largest ancestrally diverse sample of OCD cases (N = 5,000 Latin American individuals). This study will feature international collaborations with OCD clinics in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Paraguay, Peru, and Mexico, as well as OCD clinics in the U.S., including Houston, Miami, New Jersey, San Diego, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. This monumental study will address the current Latino representation gap in OCD genetic research by conducting a novel, wide-scale OCD genomic study with robust phenotyping. We hope that increased representation of Latin individuals will advance our ability to detect, diagnose, and treat individuals of Latino ancestry using precision medicine, as well as contribute to the diversification of OCD genomics as a whole. Organization Baylor College of Medicine & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Principal Investigator Eric Storch, PhD, and James Crowley, PhD Eligibility Criteria Has at least 1 grandparent who identifies as Latino/Hispanic Is 7-89 years old Has experienced symptoms of OCD now or in the past. No official OCD diagnosis is required For more information or to participate, please click here: https://redcap.research.bcm.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=4EFT77APTME3MLRA Contact Latinostudy@bcm.edu Location United States of America State TX Study End Date December 31, 2026
  7. First-line pharmacological treatments for anxiety disorders include antidepressants. Unfortunately, treatment response rates to these standard agents are less than optimal, with 40–60% of patients continuing to have residual, impairing symptoms. Although there have been no studies evaluating the effects of cannabis or cannabidiol (CBD - the component thought to be most anxiety-relieving) in clinical populations, a recent survey of 2032 medical cannabis users, found that 44% (n=888) reported using cannabis for anxiety, suggesting further research on the anxiolytic effects of cannabis is required. The objective of this study is to provide systematic, prospectively derived data on the effects of CBD and THC in anxiety disorders. At the end of the study, participants will enter follow-up care with the study doctor. Organization McMaster University Medical Centre Principal Investigator Michael Van Ameringen, MD Eligibility Criteria Participants must have a primary diagnosis of an anxiety disorder. Eligible participants are between 21-65 years of age, as there is a growing body of scientific evidence that smoked cannabis may have deleterious effects on the developing brain. Patients cannot have a lifetime history of cannabis use disorder or daily cannabis use. Contact The MacAnxiety Research Centre, 905-921-7644 or e-mail macanxietyresearch@gmail.comor check out our website at macanxiety.com Location Hamilton, ON State ON Study End Date September 30, 2024
  8. Talkspace is working on an NIH-funded, IRB-approved study with the University of Washington about online therapy for depression. The study offers participants 12 weeks of free online care from licensed therapists via video calls and text messages on the Talkspace platform, as well as monetary compensation for their time completing surveys. Located in one of the follow U.S. states, due to therapist licensure: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Washington. Some of these states might reach capacity soon, but participants can be placed on a waitlist if their state’s caseload is currently full. We’re also actively recruiting therapists and hope to open to more states soon! Principal Investigator Nicole Fridling Eligibility Criteria Participants must be: Over 18 Experiencing symptoms of depression English- or Spanish-speaking A tablet or smartphone user Contact nicole.fridling@talkspace.com Location Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Washington State VL Website https://study.talkspace.com Study End Date August 31, 2024
  9. What is everyones thought on zoom therapy? It's made a difference for me. I find myself being more comfortable to talk.
  10. Brain scans could help doctors choose treatments for people with social anxiety disorder. Anne Trafton, MIT News Office https://news.mit.edu/2012/treating-social-anxiety-disorders-0906
  11. "In the past few years researchers have been testing simple video-game-like programs aimed at relieving common problems like anxiety and depression. These recent results have been encouraging enough that investigators are now delivering the programs on smartphones - therapy apps, in effect, that may soon make psychological help accessible anytime, anywhere, whether in the grocery store line, on the bus or just before a work presentation." https://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/health/feeling-anxious-soon-there-will-be-an-app-for-that.html?pagewanted=1&_r=3&seid=auto&smid=tw-nytimes
  12. I'll start: anticipated
  13. Do you hunger for skills to improve the quality of your relationships, to deepen your sense of personal empowerment or to simply communicate more effectively? Unfortunately, for centuries our culture has taught us to think and speak in ways that can actually perpetuate conflict, internal pain and even violence. Nonviolent Communication partners practical skills with a powerful consciousness and vocabulary to help you get what you want peacefully.In this internationally acclaimed text, Marshall Rosenberg offers insightful stories, anecdotes, practical exercises and role-plays that will dramatically change your approach to communication for the better. Discover how the language you use can strengthen your relationships, build trust, prevent conflicts and heal pain. Revolutionary, yet simple, NVC offers you the most effective tools to reduce violence and create peace in your life, one interaction at a time.Over 150,000 copies sold and now available in 20 languages around the world. More than 250,000 people each year from all walks of life are learning these life-changing skills.More info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1892005034/
  14. In this book, internationally renowned contributors fill a critical gap in the literature by providing an overview of current work in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of social phobia, the third most common psychiatric disorder. More info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1572300124/?
  15. Social anxiety disorder is a real problem. But fortunately, it's also one that can be overcome. Drs. Barbara and Greg Markway, psychologists and experts in the field, coach you every step of the way in this warm, easy-to-read, and inspiring book. You'll learn how social anxiety disorder develops, how it affects all aspects of your life, and most importantly, how to chart your course to recovery. More info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0312316232/
  16. Announcing...one of the First Four Titles in the Overcoming Series. The immensely popular international market leader of self-help titles. Step-by-step guides to self-improvement that introduce the methods of the highly regarded cognitive behavioral therapy technique to help readers conquer a broad range of disabling conditions--from worry to body image problems to obsessive compulsive disorder and more. The accessible, straightforward, and practical books in the Overcoming series treat disorders by changing unhelpful patterns of behavior and thought. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was developed by psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck and is now internationally favored as a practical means of overcoming longstanding and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. CBT insists that our thoughtscause our feelings and behaviors. Even when our situation does not change, if we change the self-defeating ways we think, we can make ourselves feel better. This positive, pragmatic approach is popular with therapists and patients alike. Books in the Overcoming Series: * highlight the history and background of the disorder, who is likely to be affected, and what the main symptoms are * provide a structure ideal for personal use or in a program using guided self-help techniques * include diagnostic questionnaires, case studies, and workbook-style interactive exercises * explore step-by-step techniques such as diary- and record-keeping, problem-solving, and managing symptoms * include overviews of all treatment options * offer authoritative, commonsense solutions to pervasive, difficult emotional problems * are highly recommended by experts around the world * and offer readers an affordable and easy-to-follow treatment plan More info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0465005454/
  17. Physician Harris challenges some basic assumptions about the all-American tradition of the pursuit of happiness, drawing heavily on the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) work of University of Nevada professor Steven Hayes, which argues that happiness is not a normal state of being; pain is inevitable and what matters is how it is dealt with. The ACT prescription is to be mindful of negative thoughts and emotions, reconnect with core values, act in accordance with values and with the psychological flexibility to adapt to any situation. ACT techniques include diffusion-decreasing the impact of self-defeating thoughts (without making them go away), turning off the struggle switch, practicing expansion to make room for self-observation and connecting with the present moment. While these concepts might sound like typical self-help fare, Harris makes key distinctions: ACT is not a form of meditation or a path to enlightenment-to reap the benefits, action is imperative. More of an ACT primer than anything else, there's enough interesting content here to keep the reader, um, happy. More info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1590305841/
  18. There's nothing wrong with being shy. But if social anxiety keeps you from forming relationships with others, advancing in your education or your career, or carrying on with everyday activities, you may need to confront your fears to live an enjoyable, satisfying life. Information about therapy, medications, and other resources is also included. After completing this program, you'll be well-equipped to make connections with the people around you. Soon, you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits of being actively involved in the social world. More info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1572245530/
  19. Wonky

    The mountain

    Post here and lets climb the mountain together... we can do it....
  20. Please keep us updated on how you're feeling. We are here for you.
  21. I've edited this piece to be a little bit more refined from my original post. Thank you for the feedback.
  22. We had to fix some database issues.
  23. Wow that's amazing! Congrats!! Feel free to link AC on there if you feel like others might benefit too ❤️ Thank you for re-sharing this; it's helped my anxiety 🙂