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    motorcycling, reading, studying, my dog and my girls

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  1. Hi Its as if I have written this paragraph. My anxiety hasn't been too bad lately but this evening my heart felt like it dropped hard and it scared me too. I just wish I could 'float' passed these sensations when they occur but it does shock me ?
  2. Foggy


    I too get the skipped heart beats and even though I know it's anxiety it scares the life out of me and hey I'm on a rollercoaster again with the fight or flight I just want to be my normal self again ?
  3. Foggy

    My Story

    I have just read your post MrMagoo, I felt that I had written it, this is how I feel. I have been suffering with anxiety now since the birth of my first daughter who is now 13 years old, she was born with lots of heart problems which thankfully are now all under control. Since then I have never really been anxiety free, even though at times I feel I am having a smooth ride with the physical symptoms (mainly most missed heart beats for me) just the slightest bit of stress and wham a week or so later I get them. Last week I had just finished my dissertation which was quite stressful with no physical symptoms and as soon as it was over..........WHAM I get them!!!! I have read Claire Weekes which I do keep referring back to but like you suggested its the physical symptoms are so hard to accept, once they come on I then enter the fear cycle and I feel I need to switch this wretched thing off in my body.
  4. Hello there, I started with anxiety after having my first daughter who is now 12-years old. I didn't know what was happening to me I had a feeling of if I was in the kitchen, my head was in the bedroom the feeling was horrendous!! I also had a feeling of impending doom and I found myself worried about death! My GP at the time prescribed me Citalopram 20mg a day which I started to take reluctantly as I had been brought up with 'you don't need to take that rubbish....pull yourself together!!' I was so confused and desperate, my husband didn't know what was going on, in fact he made me worse asking is this .....and is it that that's wrong all medical, I then found myself googling my symptoms and got myself even further in the deep hole, because I was sure the symptoms I was feeling were terminal. Then all the physical symptoms of anxiety kicked in.....rapid heart beat, missed heart beats, head rush, dizzy, trembling shaking, couldn't fall asleep and when I did I was sure enough wakened by trembling inside. I'm 12-years on from all this, I still have anxiety and depending on how much stress I have I do get the feelings back but this time I am able to handle them a bit better, I also have a really good GP who understands, he has got me into relaxation and for me this works but I had to be able to concentrate (at first I couldn't have done it). As soon as one feels tension in the neck/shoulders I know that I have had too much stress and I need to relax. When I was told this at first I thought what a load of old rubbish, but it does work. Another saviour that helped me was the book by Claire Weeks, there is a link on this website about it. I'm not going to kid you that you will get better over night but if you were to start reading that book, you would then understand why all these feelings are happening to you. I hoped this has helped a little bit, it will get better.
  5. Thank you, when it happens again, I will try and go with the flow. Thanks Manda
  6. This is how I feel, one minute I feel Im getting over the anxiety and comes from no where, then of course I start the cycle worrying thinking that the must be definitely something wrong with me because I have been ok and the symptoms are back, even though I hadn't been worrying about it. Doctor and my Practice nurse tell me Im fine. So one can get flash backs when everything seems to be going smoothly??
  7. Hi fusion1, I too suffer with anxiety and looking back now, I have for 12-years. At times I feel I can cope with the physical symptoms I get from anxiety and other times I cant. I have been to the GP numerous times and everything is fine but trying to tell yourself that when your deep into anxiety it is hard to do. I came across this site last week because I felt that my anxiety was getting the better of me and when I seen the list of symptoms one can get I felt so relieved, I was not alone....and you are not alone too because many of us suffer with a pounding heart, missed heart beats etc etc.. and it is the adrenaline which is released when your anxious, or so that's how I read it. Try to stay positive and focused Kind regards, Manda
  8. I so wished that I had found this site earlier. I now feel like I have the answer of how I have been feeling for soooo long now, I actually feel like a weight has been taken from off my shoulders........Thank you so much