River Song

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About River Song

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  1. Thank you Jon. I will have to make it speical which I know it will be.
  2. thank you for that! It started to dawn on me when i was at my nephews birthday party and saw all the people there for him I got really sad. I will definetly make it a memerable day for her for sure. family can sometimes be stressfull but I can cope with them better not mixed company though.
  3. I am a mother of a 9 month old baby, She is our world and she has several cousins that have birthday parties. I am so sad about the thought that she will not have birthday parties like theirs. 1. I really don't have friends 2. I cannot handle the socail stress of throwing a party. I feel so heart broken that she will not get to experince birthday parties the way her cousins do. Perhaps in the future when she is older and has friends to invite. What are some thoughts on this matter? What would you do to make your childs birthday special if you knew she wasnt going to have parties ?
  4. I recently posted on here of my concerns on skin c****r. I was given a terrible dermatolgist who did nothing but made my anxiety worse. He did nothing to ease my worries and basicly told me to prove that skin c****r runs in my family by getting my grandmothers medical records. I felt I was going in the right direction by seeing a doctor but now I dont know. I want to go back to my primary and tell them I need to see another dermatologist, but my primary knows all about my GAD. I know its not going to look good. Its hard having health anxieties and not being able to get reasurrance from a doctor. I just feel embarresed and frankly like a nut! Basically I have 3 irregular moles that just recently popped up, and one that looks like a skin patch thats just slightly darker than my skin. Also a lump behind my ear. Doing my damndest to stay off google and web md because all they do is just scare me. I wish I had better insuracne because I cant just go see any doctor! Need to stop worrying so damn much
  5. Hello I have a lump behind my ear too! been to 2 doctors and still feel unease. on top of the lump i have alot of irregular moles . Both doctors brushed it off. the dermatolgist was very rude and crass. I am going about it again because my dr sent me to that dermatoligist who was supposed to look at it deeper and even remove the lump but just wasted my time. I feel very panicked sometimes but I stay off google and when i worry it sucks but it passes. I wish i could be more help to you. Did they remove it and run test on it?
  6. For the past 3 years I have been working to better myself. Researching and reading books for mindful based training. My anxiety is all over the place, always have had issues with anxiety. So when i started reading books and watching videos on mindful training. Being here in the presant moment. I found to like jon kabit zinn. and videos by leo on youtube ( search actualized.org on youtube) These things gave me alot of peace of mind more than I have had in a lifetime of worry. What do you do to change your self in postive ways to keep from spirling back? or what do you want to start doing?
  7. Hey girl, My name is melody and just recently started using this site too. I have some issues with anxiety and reaching out to other people has been the best thing i have done for it in a while. I see your hurting and have been through a lot I wish i could just hug you. You problably dont see this but your a strong person and will come out on top. I hope you find the silver lining in your life and know that things always change.. the good and the bad. Pain can be our teacher in the dark times. I know that sounds geniric but it is the truth. I am so happy that you sought support from others and I am rooting for you girl!
  8. thank you I was just thrown back by this dr but you have a point.
  9. It was a dermatologist, I was referred to him so I am going to find another one. I was so embarresed but yea I really am, most of the time very open about my anxiety issues. I dont let any stigmas of mental illness make me feel ashamed. Not yesterday. I honestly havent felt the panic I have felt about my skin issues in a while. I am staying off google lol . I plan to still see a dermatologist and get some reassurance from someone who is human!
  10. Hey Jon thanks. I am definetly going to seek counseling real soon. I know that this isnt the cure for what I am going through. Life is pretty stressful right now with my husband losing his job last week and other thins to constant worry about so I am thankful for the anxity med for sure. Today I saw a doctor for my health anxiety scare. And its supposed to help me and ease my mind but instead i just felt alot worse. He wasnt very assuring about my skin issues and didnt run any test like i honestly hoped for. He just said I want to see your grandmothers health records saying that she has had melonoma before we do anything for you. he was very condesending, rude and cold. I know its my health anxiety that makes me feel so terrible and seeing a counsler would definetly help me work out these issues i have. Cant expect a doctor to ease my mind like i hoped for today.
  11. no I have been on them nearly a month now. and just recently started feeling thisway. I think they put me on this one because I told them I dont want anything like an anti depressant or anything. But your guess is as good as mine..?
  12. Last month I decided to take a step forward on getting help with all my anxiety. I sat with my primary doctor and we decided to start me on an light anxiety med called Busprodone ( I belive thats how to spell it) its 5mg and I just take it at night. She said it can take up to 3 weeks for it to kick in. I have been taking it everynight and am starting to feel the wonderful groggy side effects from it. I cant fully feel awake during the day. I always feel like I am just waking up or something! I really like having some meds for what I am going through but I dont know if it will continue to make me feel like a zombie. Anyone have similier issues with meds? I just think its crazy that such a low dose of this is making me so numb. I guess thats what its supposed to do :/
  13. Thank you. Its good to get someones advice on what I am going through. Going to make an appointment next week to see a counsler. I told my primary doctor and she was on board for setting me up with a counsular. I have had a lot coping skills for past issues with anxiety but sometimes its not enough. Meditation, reading, my art , and journaling. . My husband has anxiety isssues too so we kinda stay away but its not where we want to be in our lives anymore. I dont want to be afraid about everything lol I cant teach that to my daughter .
  14. Its so messed up. A friend can invite me to a bar and the whole week before the event i will have my ugly thoughts that im going to get into a wreck and something awful is going to happen. I stopped living
  15. Thank you for these responses. I have been seeing my primary doctor for my anxiety and it has gotten worse since I have been a stay at home mom. I think counseling is a fantastic idea. I really hate being this way and have been this way for a long time. Since I started these forums and talking with people I have not once got unto google. I am starting realize what I am doing to myself. Its not something that is going to change over night but i want to change it for sure.